Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The little noisemaker part 2

Now, where was I? Oh yes, my little noisemaker was on his way. That nurse was very comforting when she said that my noisemaker will be able to see me in about half an hour. Even though she was wrong. 2 hours passed and the doctor came and told my darling wife it'll be another four or five hours! Oooh, might as well be an eternity seeing that both of us were exhausted! We then asked for the epidural. If not for that 'half an hour' talk, we would have asked for it earlier!

Ah! Epidurals, a godsend to husbands! But to administer it, one really must bare to endure the risks. The problem with epidurals, at least in our case, was that it did not come in a pill. No, it came pre packaged in a syringe with a million inch needle. The needle, the very long needle has to be inserted at the back, where the spine is. It was scary, for all of 5 seconds, as we (I) were really exhausted. My wife then had to go into a foetal position while I hold her head and knees such that the back is stretched. It was made easier when the doctor who was adminstering was from the same army camp. It was comfortable reenacting those times, but I'm sure my wife did not share the same sentiments. Finally, the Epidurals went in, and after a few near deaths complications immediately after, we slept. What happened was, my noisemaker's heartbeat shoot up as well as my wife's. Mine, shoot up too but only in the anticipation of making use of the recliner. So there we were, me and the expert epiduralist, sitting down talking about the old times, while several nurses and several doctors came rushing in and out of the delivery ward, perhaps in panic seeing that the heart beat rate was going beyond 120 bpm. (Thats beats per minute).

Having full trust in the hands of Allah, and of course western medicine, my wife's and my little noisemaker's heartbeat soon stabilised. By that time, my wife's fell asleep. Me? All I know was, it was 27th July 2002 when I woke up.

---To be continued---

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