Monday, June 29, 2009

I am so pissed at wawa. It is so difficult to get her to respond to any ofbthe questions that I put to her. It is as if she is becoming too lazy. We went to the library just now. She chose a book where it was just one line on each page and a very simple picture on every other page. Knowing that she can't read, I attempted to have her tell me a story based on the pictures. But to get her to respond to a simple question such as what do you see in the picture or what do you think the dog is doing is monumental. And when she did respond it will using the squeaky voice of hers. I got so pissed when she does that. So pissed that I shouted at her on the way to the swimming pool. I mean she used her loud voice when she talks. I do not see why age would use the squeaky one when she is answering to me. I don't even know why she is here. It's one thing to have poor family support but it's another to be just plain lazy. I still am angry right now as I ponder as to what I could do more. I mean I am a teacher and I should be able to handle this.

I am so pissed at wawa. It is so difficult to get her to respond to
any ofbthe questions that I put to her. It is as if she is becoming
too lazy. We went to the library just now. She chose a book where it
was just one line on each page and a very simple picture on every
other page. Knowing that she can't read, I attempted to have her tell
me a story based on the pictures. But to get her to respond to a
simple question such as what do you see in the picture or what do you
think the dog is doing is monumental. And when she did respond it will
using the squeaky voice of hers. I got so pissed when she does that.
So pissed that I shouted at her on the way to the swimming pool. I
mean she used her loud voice when she talks. I do not see why age
would use the squeaky one when she is answering to me. I don't even
know why she is here. It's one thing to have poor family support but
it's another to be just plain lazy. I still am angry right now as I
ponder as to what I could do more. I mean I am a teacher and I should
be able to handle this.
I think I would go over the story book again but this time I would
include adam in the discussion. Maybe she was feeling a bit too self
conscious. Afraid of getting it wrong. If that is the case then my
strategy of scaring her while she was in the car would backfire on me.
Miss you darling.

Sent from my iPhone

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