Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Fire by Nor Salman
Fire, a photo by Nor Salman on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Thats not too big!

This, this is my sweet mother-in-law. Thats her being happy that she could start a fire. Thats her in the kampung. She has been trying hard to start a fire. As some of us know, the fire is needed as a means of clearing the rubbish. I could have sworn that she has an arsonist streak in her.

Rembau, thats where our kampung is. It has been some time since we were there. Its a nice break, to go there and to do the chores specifically suited for life in the kampung. To wake up hearing the cocks crow, to shoo the cows that come into the garden to graze, to go to the market and haggle with the sellers and of course, to have the chendol!

Ooh, the chendol. On a hot day, that bowl of chendol can be a life saver.

If you ever, ever set food in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, be sure to try the food. Its pungent, spicy and sweet at the same time. Hmm, holidays will be here soon.

Su is going for a forum in the holidays. I think we can squeeze a day or two to drop by Rembau.


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