Sunday, May 04, 2008

Berita Harian 4th May 2008

Blog Entry
I’m now at woodlands, my in laws place. Its now 5.15 pm and I’m so bored. Anyway, I’ve read this article in Berita Harian that I thought it will be nice to share. Its in Malay so I will try to translate it to English without losing the essence.
The article is headlined, Happy, only for a Moment. The Subtitle reads “a young mother passed away after having some complication while giving birth.
It’s by Norman Sawi
The husband, Mr Imran Ahmad lost his wife five days after she gave birth. She was 24 years old and she gave birth birth at National University Hospital. The baby, Dayang Dynaz was born safely without any complication. However, an hour after giving birth she complain of pain in her back and legs.
According to the husband, she also bleeds continuously while the doctor was sewing the area between her faraj and perenium, which was a common procedure after giving birth.
After about seven night, doctors told the husband that she was ready to be sewn back again. However, the wife’s condition worsen and she was transferred to the ICU. He was then told that the wife’s internal organs have lost their functions.
The doctors at NUH have yet given their explanation.
According to the husband, a surgeon in ICU told him that his wife has experience a case of Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE).
AFE is thought to be one of the complication after giving birth.
It is believe that this only happens once every 80000.
The wife name is Siti Zubaidah and she was 24 years old.

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