Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Went to KKH

Sent Idris to KKH today for follow up. It seems he now has eczema on his skin. Due to the drying action of the medicine for his itchiness.

This is Idris before making our way to KKH. Taken using the Contax 50 1.7.
I am loving this lens more and more everyday. Its compact and feel simple enough to use. It is simple to use. Feels like the time I was using my Nikon FM2 and the nikkor lenses. Its shorter than the 50mm 1.4 by about a centimetre thus making it more compact than the 1.4.

Now I am wondering about the rokkors and the other 50mm 1.7 lenses that I am missing out because I want the widest apertures...
Got it for USD$110. I think that that is a good buy.

A smile for the day.

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