Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This is Mak, bed fed dinner by my sister. Photo taken using my ipone 3g, so its a bit sucky. She was admitted yesterday. She is frowning as the iphone is taking such along time to snap the pics. Other than that she is in good spirits. Going to bring my Nex 5 there.

Kak June my second cousin called. She cried on the phone after hearing about mak. My mother is after all her only aunt left. Ah, the sadness. I hate it.

While we were at the hospital, I was laughing and laughing as though it was just one those visits. And I don't feel sad. I mean, there are the sadness all around me, but I think I should be sadder than how I am. Its hard to feel sad, when Mak seemed to be happier and angrier. I can't help laughing whenever I am there. And it is so inappropriate, that it beats me as to why I am there in the first place.

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