Thursday, April 20, 2006

Its almost coming to a Friday. The end of a week and soon the beginning of another. So many things that needed to be done but not yet done... But I guess I can take solace in the fact that some of the things that needed to be done, are done.

As for the National Kidney Foundation, well one could google it and find out how gullible Singaporeans can be, and that include the governments. But then people makes mistakes.

The good news is my mum is not happily having her dialysis done using NUH facilities. We are very relieved as this means that we could use the Card.

In case you guys like to know, I'm staying in Punggol. Very nice place. Cost me S$244 000 for me place and like so many Singaporeans, took out a loan for it. I guess you have to. You could pay cash if you got the cash though. I'm not being cynical, my neighbour paid in cash. In full.

I guess, being smart and prudent does have its priviledges. I mean, she does not have to worry about not finding work right?

Oh, it Friday already. My left leg is still hurting and my right eye is almost closed. I'd quit my raving while I'm still ahead.

Friday 21 April 2006 0005hrs.

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