Thursday, November 10, 2022

There is a ghost.

Sometimes I think meli is more a drama mama than I think she led on.
Yesterday while in the kitchen, me doing laundry, I was telling her about what happened at the polyclinic. 

Suddenly, she said that yesterday night there was a ghost at the window and the ghost was crying. It is  crying because she does not want to go back. She said the ghost was crying almost the whole night.
To test her drama-ness, I said that there is a ghost in my room too, and it also has been crying and his heart is broken into shards of painful glass. 
She said, yes, it has been raining heavily this past few days.
Truth of the matter is, yes, it has been raining the past few days and we have been using the weather as an euphemism. At least I have.

Exactly this is why I think she is making a big mistake. Told Su that this mistake is hurting me as there is nothing I can do about it.

Again, I pray that is this what needs to be done, then let it be for the best for all.

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