Tuesday, July 05, 2011


My sister passed me her Wii system last weekend. Have not played with since, well, it's not, me. But I did play it today and I only played tennis, Wii style. Never in my wildest dreams that a computer game could make me sweat like I sweat just now. Its awesome! I love it. Even though the game encompass just the mild swinging of one's arm, I can't help getting into the tennis stance, the continuous shifting of my body weight from one leg to another and I did, this is so not me, let out the occasional grunt or two. After two 15 minutes sessions, I feel great...Well not exactly, my two feet are sore and I've been gulping water, like a camel...Oh well. Life Wii goes on!

Ha ha ha.

Too bad Nadal lost the wimbledon final this year. Was rooting for him. Well, I was rooting for Sharpa something something more...She is way prettier. Ciao.


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