It had to be at that time, the nurse, Sarah, said. But the car decided to act up. We took a taxi to KKH and to have my darling wife have her thigh injected with something I can't pronounce. It is suppose to ripen her eggs for reclamation tomorrow. For tomorrow, her eggs and my sperm will be infused, in a petri dish.
Have read many blogs regarding that person's experience in IVF, many a times, a sad and a negative account. I have not reached that stage yet. The only negative part that I am feeling right now is the trepidation that I have to 'perform' and produce a sample tomorrow by 10 past 10 am. Talked to Wife about it and decided that watching porn was the way to go. Tried and tested I guess since I have had to perform twice already.
So tomorrow will be the eggs extraction. Friday will be the implantation. I hope that it will be over soon. Hopefully. Hopefully I do not have to be the hands that has to inject the medication to my wife every night. And I hope, no, I pray, that once we succeed in getting pregnant, it will be a smooth one.
I have actually tried to talk about us having another one, maybe twins, to Adam. He is really quite reluctant to have them. I hope it will not be that bad for him if we do have another one. Taken to discussing names with him. Brought out many possibilities. Not the least amount of interest shown by him. But there was one spark though, he did mentioned about how he wanted to be call and its Aadam...with a stress on the Aa and not the Dam...
I like A'kin for a boy.
Or maybe Akil and Akilah.
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