Today is my dad's birthday. He is such a joker. He told my sis to tell me and my youngest sis that he wanted to remarry. My mom's death has yet to reach its first anniversary and he wants to remarry? Oh well, it should not matter. What matters is that both my mom and him had a wonderful life together. True, they have their ups and downs, I've witnessed a few of them myself. But with them, running the ship that they run, it was all good.
So, maybe he does have the intention to remarry. Maybe has already have somebody in mind. I just hope that its for the best. He has already bought a house somewhere in Johor. So I am assuming that it can be lonely. Bearing that in mind, I wish him the best. Of course, that's just me. My sister on the other hand, is a totally different story.
Betrayal is a word I would describe how she is feeling right now. She claims that its dad's right to remarry, rightly so, but its her right not to acknowledge that. She said she does not want to lose him. I can't fathom that, but that is how she feels.
Dad borrowed my car to send people to Senai airport for their um'rah. Knowing dad, he is doing a favour to somebody who is significant enough in his life to warrant that favour. So he borrowed my car, so he has not returned it, so there is a parking summons on his car's windscreen, an individual action has its repercussion and implications. Thats what Su said. I am with her except that one needs to weigh the repercussion and implication against one's action that one intends to take. Its logical, except that sometimes, logic is not the logical way to go.
Can't wait for Harry Potter's last instalment.
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