Thursday, July 28, 2011

Good news comes in triplets right?

Its Adam's birthday today. All the people that really mattered in Adam's life took the trouble to come. His Wan, his Atuk, Mummi and Tante all came. And thanks to an ever tireless wife, we made the birthday dinner a success. We had grilled chicken, home made pizza, mac and cheese, and spaghetti bolognaise. Apart from the pizza, I cooked the rest. Presents? Well, he is currently in a flash and dash craze and he got not 1, 2 or 3 but 4 of the cars. While we were busy watching the soccer match between Singapore and Malaysia, the three cousins, were busy racing the cars! I sure hope the neighbours won't be upset.

Singapore won, by the way. I doubt that they will go beyond the next round, but then, neither will Malaysia.

School starts tomorrow, but dad called a family meeting tomorrow. I guess I have to miss this week's class.

Su went and used the pregnancy test kit. It turned out that we are positive. But that was yesterday. Today, she said that there were some spotting. I hope for the best. I guess we have to wait till 1st August to find out. I am worried, not about the results, but about her. I am worried because she is worried. I don't like that.

Adam is now in la la land. In his new bed I might add. A bed he ordered online and which he himself settled the delivery details. In my opinion, that is the best birthday present I can give, not the bed but the process of getting the bed.

Good night all.


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