There are two fertilized embryos in Su's uterus right now. She is sleeping soundly, while I am here, listening to Lee Oskar's Before The Rain lp. I do hope and pray that the fertilized embryos will develop into fetuses. The doctor said that Su's embryos are graded at level 4, with 5 being the highest grade. I am so happy that 2 can be used. And I am so happy that my little boys could fertilized them. Knowing me, they could have been finding a place to nap, maybe even listening to an lp.
I have a picture of those embryos, but Su kept it. Once I get my hands on them, I will put them up, that is, if I don't nap and listened to lp.
While I now sip on BOH's passion fruit flavoured tea, I shall tell you about the images shown. Basically, they are pictures of Iryad, riding his bicycle. They are more about where he is riding his bicycle, though. He rode his bicycle in Tampines Bicycle Park. Nice Park, except that you have to be certified to be able to ride on the track. So that what we did. We got him certified. He celebrated by doing a lap (of victory?) and we ended up going home after that. Must be the highlight of the day, because I can't remember what we did prior to that...Strange.
Tomorrow is Monday, I just glanced at the clock and its already Monday. Su wants to go to work tomorrow even though she is still on medical leave. But I love her so much so I told her, that she CAN not go to school of she so wishes, but I will be just a phone call away, if she needs me.
My uncle called this morning, no, yesterday morning. He said that my dad has instructed him to propose to this lady whom my father intends to marry. He asked if I wanted to go. I don't know. Should I?
Its 19 minutes passed midnight. I am sleepy.