Ok, where was I. Oh yes, conflicts and more conflicts. So, if there so much conflicts why do people do still do it? Marriage is a social construct. It is constructed by people, by society, and some may argue, so is religion and thus it can be deconstructed. Look at those couple cohabitating. What do they care about marriage and religion (maybe some do...). And because of this conflict theory, administrators of the state decided against having conflicts and marriage and religion and have the state the sole reason as to why people work. Thus, they work for the state, because they belong to the state and the state does not exploit them because, they work for the needs of the state and since they belong to the state, they work for themselves. Get it? Try googling Khmer Rouge and Communist. But who am I argue, I just questions.
There is another theory that supports the reasons as to why we do things the way we do. This is called the developmental theory. This theory suggests that it is only natural that we do things the way we do, simply because thats is how it has been done. We are born, we study, we work, we get married, we reproduce, we take care of our elders (optional to many, I know), and we die. Its just natural. So based on this theory, its natural to learn as much as we could, earn as much as we could, (try to resolve any conflicts along the way) and then reproduced and retired. That sounds so much like the mantra of a political party I know but hey, I just question.
There are other theories that may support why we do things the way we do such as the symbolic exchange theory which I can use to elaborate on why marriage break up...(Oh! the sanctity of marriage) but then questioned I did.
I did ask a few of my women friends (all of them are married by the way so no, its not one of those after sex conversations you see on tv) as to why they strove to achieved the academic qualifications that the implications of the positions in the work place. Based on the conflict theory, and the researches done by Ms Quah, these women should be cursing and swearing at their fate in life. They should be ranting, not like me but more, about the stress they feel in juggling two shoes (or hats) during the same 24 hours we all have. According to one of them, instead of ranting, she is grateful to what she has become. She said that she sees the value in paper qualifications as she is now is in a better position to make decisions for her family of 6. Perhaps, this is a better way of bringing up a family as compared to how she was brought up, but nevertheless, an exchange has occurred. What exchange? Part of the time she can use to spend time with her children is used for work and that that time is exchange for a better position that enable her to make better decisions. This exchange between quantity and quality must be in her favour as she is constantly doing it. The exchange theory states that there must be exchange of two things that enables one to still be in that relationship. Money for sex, friendship for companionship etc etc. Nevertheless, there is still conflict.
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