This article reminded me of the time that Dr Chee Soon Juan of the SDP got himself into trouble. He, like this article seems to be very confrontational. I mean, I am all for expressing your opinions, but this article do seemed one sided.
O.K, notes. This article, Troiki (who is this person anyways) actually hit the issues that he raised on the head, I think. He states that the state has its hands in every fiefdom of every members of the state based on the pretext of multiculturalism or multiracism. He commented that evidence can be found in the state's housing and education policies where the state's doing and undoing of certain policies, such as the RK requirements is tantamount to controlling or managing aspects of an individual's life that is deemed as the private sphere.
Eugenics is another example where the state meddles or managed the private sphere of its population. Eugenics is the encouraging of graduate mothers to have more babies while not promoting non graduate mothers to do the same. Rationale here is that since human resource is Singapore's own resource, then might as well make the best resource one can have, and the state's idea if for the new population to be borne out or from a female with university certification.
He used the straits chinese ethnic group or the Baba's as an example where the policies of multicuralism resulted in the Baba culture to be curtailed.
Perhaps the assumption that multiculturalism works for the 4 main ethnic groups but not for the really minorities such as the Straits Chinese. The CIMO options pigeon hole the population as there are certain assumptions which are tagged along an individual who belong to a minority group.
Troiki does mention that the system and policies carried out by the state did realise ecnomic gains and a peaceful environment but at what expense.
Thats all for now.
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