This place just opened..its just by the waterway..
Forever Slimming...a father of two..a brother to two, a husband to one...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Adam's safety class in progress
Wow. Didn't know they have theory swimming class.
There is adam in his swimming class. Preparing to take silver standard soon.
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Last night
Tonight will be the last night that risa will be spending in my house as my domestic helper.
She has been with us for more than 6 years. Did not know that at that time she would be with us for so long.
She will be flying off to semarang, and then another 8 hours journey by road to her home in east java.
She should be back in malaysia johor by christmas as she should be taking a marriage preparatory course. She is getting married.
We are quite apprehensive about the future that she will be embarking on but knowing her she should be fine.
It will another sad day for all of us tomorrow. Just like when tri left us. I hope things will be fine for us.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
It has been some time
...since i ate prunes. I had a couple and a couple more and just like clockwork, it showed its effects.
As you know, prunes act like a laxative. It has been some days since i had a good dump. And its effecting my er daily routine.
So i had about 4 of them.
Four hours later i was at the dumpster having a good dump. It was practically spraying shit! And it felt good. And i was sweating. Sweat is good. I like sweat.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Gym, first day.
Just spent an hour at the csc gym. Did some lifts, leg raises. Also spent about ten minutes on the stepper, and about twenty minutes on the stationary bike. Cool thing that is.
Did not think I would last the whole twenty minutes. But I did.
There are tvs inside and the everton black pool game helped to lessen the anxiety.
Now here comes the bad news. My weight is 141.30. Damn!
Lets see if I can mak any improvements this thursday.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
I think I am having the best soursop drink I have ever had! Bought it at geylang market. How best to describe it?
The stall selling it is opposite the stall selling the best chicken porridge of all time!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Did more
Went to geylang market. Bought fish and prawns. Things must be cheap there as my usual budget went under ten dollars. Have myself a treat. Had chicken porridge. It cost $1.50 a bowl. It was everything I wanted in a porridge. Its cheap, tasty and delicious.
Fetch adam from school today. It was a nice slow walk. A bit too slow. He was already waiting outside school when I arrived.
Went back home and he told me about his day. Can't remember much but he did say that he finish his composition test early.
Waiting for su to be back home. Risa cooked nasi lemak today. With grilled fish.
Monday, October 18, 2010
It was raining when I reached home and stated to take a nap. But it was not to be. Phone rang. And rang. And rang.
Damn. Besides the sound of a leave blower walking you up, the doing of a ringing phone is probably the worst thing that one could ever use to keep awake.
Ok. I have just finish washing the car. That loosen up my joints a bit.
Had a mcdonald breakfast just now. It was not the same without su. Oh well. I will get one each for both of us tomorrow.
Just came back from kampung yesterday night. A trip with more drama than usual.
And that was when I was first woken up by the sound of a leave blower. At 7 in the morning. Who wakes up at that time?
But had a good time. Love the food love the company and dad had a great time too.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Just finish washing the car. Driving it up to the blue deck to dry it. Finally some physical exercise.
Having a runny noise. Took telfast. Oh wow! Sweating like a pig now.
It almost noon. Just wax the car a couple of weeks ago. To early to wax it again.
Good day today. I can feel it.
Have a good day to you too.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
At the pool.
Dear darling, how are things at home? I have already reached the pool. Adam is in the pool and I am sitting down near his bag. He went in first while I went to look for a lot. I must say that he is very brave in going in the pool alone all by himself. He is growing all too fast.
Anyway, I hope I did not cause a tremendous disruption to your schedule in cooking for the tahlil just now. It was just like magic. My knee felt better immediately after you left. It must be allah hand in making adam forget to bring his float and rhus coming back home. If not you would have left without me.
I prefer this time slot for his swimming class. Easier to find a lot.
Ok, I should be back home in about an hour.
See you.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Monday, October 04, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I am giving tuition now but i am feeling so sleepy.
I was reading my past posts when i realised there are many spelling errors. Yes, those posts were written by me but they were typed using my samsung galaxy s. No spell check and the keys are so small.
Psle is next week and i have students who are taking the exams. I wish them the best of luck.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
My Day
Monday, September 27, 2010
On the way back. Cannot find my photo paper.
I did not know it could be so windy in the train.
It was drizzling abit on the way back to the station and apart from the spicy temptation emanating from all of them indian food stalls, my journey on the way back home has started.
I cannot believe it. I am on a train heading to mustafa. I am listening to mp3 on my galaxy s and this rocks.
Its not the train ride, its not the mp3s, its the fact that i am able to.
Its like, look ma, i am walking! This is awesome. Its not like i have not done this before but this time i am painless. Well, not really painless, my waist has expanded and the belt is itching my skin.
Its now 1.41pm and i have just reached buangkok. Since i left at 1.15, it half an hour to reach buangkok station. About the same time taken if i were to drive.
Scanning, scanning
Hmm, not many girls to look at. Lots if youngsters, poly age.
Ok just passed hougang. Its 1.44pm.
Anyway, need to buy photo paper, photo album and a ladle if i can find it.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I went for a walk today. It felt good. Twice in so many days! Walked with su and i think it was 1.2km one way.
It really felt good. Do not know if i had lose weight but i felt so energetic.
On another note, arsenal lost to sunderland yesterday. Whats up with that!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Adam and Wawa

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Just came back from having breakfast at kfc. This is as adam, su, irsyad and wan completed the posb kids run.
Going to yishun safra later. There is a timbaland warehouse sale. I hope its worth it.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Bic of soda
I have just drank a glass of rose flavoured bic of soda. Su said that it should help with my gout pain.
I have pain in my right hand now and i won't be taking any painkillers.
Updates tomorrow then.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I am alone. Risa is fasting. Su is at work. Adam is in school and dad should be at jb doing his friday prayers.
I will be trying to pray standing up today. If i succeed, i can do my friday prayers again.
Posb. Kids. Run.
Adam will be participating in the kids run thus Sunday. Suntec will be the accompanying adult. They have been running for the past two nights. Short distances nevertheless it should warm up their muscle memory.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
A day after
Monday, September 06, 2010
Sept 6 9.49am
I could not take it yesterday night. I went and had coffee thinking it would help to keep me awake. Wishful thinking.
Went to the car and tried to sleep in the car. My finger tips began to tingle. Made up my mind and drove off home.
Mom is more alert now than yesterday night. Although she is not eating.
But fortunately, she has a new found liking to the liquid supplement that we have been trying to give her.
Cina was here earlier than me but has now left. She has a viewing to see to.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
5th September 9.54pm
She is still breathing through her mouth and I think she will be calm throughout the night. The nurses had turned her and I could distinctly heard that she said "ouch". One of the very few words that I could distinctly make out out of her recently.
A different set of nurses is taking care of the ward today. I don't know the staff nurse's name though.
Having a meeting with the radiotherapy doctors tomorrow at 8.30am. Dad does not want to be in any meeting and he said that whatever the doctors want to do with Mak, go ahead.
I am glad that he left for home today. Unlike yesterday when he slept in the car through the rain and all.
That just leaves me. What shall I do? It's only 10.01pm. I don't want to leave but I need something to do. I wish Su was here. At least I would have somebody to talk to. She wanted to join me later but I told her to stay at home, seeing how tired she was today.
Update from cina 1234 5th sep 2011
Ya Allah.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Update at 11.54pm 4 sept 2010
Dialysis successful.
Drainage of lungs successful. Less liquid is seen at the lungs.
Blood test showed an increase in heart or blood enzymes. Indicative of heart problems. Further test will be done later at 5 am.
She can swallow. But need to feed her slowly and lift her bed higher. If not she might choke.
looks like a goldfish out of water.
I don't really think she is sleeping. She just don't have the energy to move.
I love her so much.
When I was down with appendicitis, she visited me everyday. I was at
sigh then. She seemed to be the only person next to me although I know
many others came.
I remembered one question that she asked me and one which I did not
answer. She asked me if it was the other way around would I do the
same for her. I remembered not answering as I thought it was a silly
question. A no brainer. Of course I will be around. That's what I
thought then.
I was hardly around. When she would be in my ward the moment I woke
up, I would only be in hers the moment I woke up. And when she would
leave when I fell asleep, I would leave after I had my dinner. Yup
that's me. Stupid me.
But this is not about me. I don't really know as to how long Mak will
be around. I am afraid.
My mother
Anyway, I wrote almost daily updates on my blog.
And to you guys, thank you for reminding me that I am not alone. Liverpool fans or not.
This is the third time I am at nuh in less than 24 hrs. It is tiring, but its not about me now is it?
It seems that Mak has difficulty in swallowing. As such her food and water tend to end up in her lungs.
She had gone for a dialysis just now. Dad and keling has left for home but dad is just a matter of a phone call away.
Su is with me. I love her so much.
Keling said that Mak won't last until
Cina solemnization ceremony. I think that's a bit cruel but this is not about her too.
Nurse suggested that there will be at least one of us to accompany Mak tonight. Does that sound omen like? Who cares? It's not about her too.
It's about Mak and Allah.
I came back to visit her at about 2 in the morning just now. She has been asking for dad every waking hour. Dad came too. After we gave her some milk, she fell asleep. That when we left and we has sahur at simpang bedok.
She is still asking for dad and I would like to think that dad is on the way. She is having difficulty breathing again.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Blood transfusion
Doc just called.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Finally she said that the renal has been informed and will be here shortly.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Mak at nuh
Mak is in nuh having fluids taken out of her lungs. She is in good spirits. We told her that if she was to be administered the good medicine, she has to eat. She finished a whole serving of the fish. Of course, credit must be given to keling as she patiently mash up the fish and firmly hand fed it to Mak.
Mak's mouth bled a little just now. Anyway, after the meal, some colour came back to her face.
My dad is worried as to where he should sleep later. As he will be alone, and he is afraid of the dark. I did invite him to sleep over at my place.
Dad was already asleep and mom seemed to be sleeping soundly. Although, in her condition, its impossible to tell.
Dad managed to compete the ramp outside the main gate. I hope he will not have any problems bringing mom out in her wheel chair tomorrow.
Lots of people came today.
I need to drive back home now. Feeling very tired and sleepy.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Going back today
My mother seems happier today, although she has an asthma attack while we breaking fast. She is fine now.
Dad brought her out of her room to watch tv with us in the living room. She still has her wits with her. She made us laugh and my dad smiled and sniggered. I bet that made his day.
I am suppose to be on the way back now. But I am waiting for my little sis to come back home.
My darling wife, told me to stay put and not leave yet. I would have left if I was on my own.
Watching a Malay movie on Suria channel now. Don't know what the movie is all about though.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mom, supported.
I drove to Tampines.
She told me to take care of my two sisters when she is gone. She said that she does not want to die yet. She wanted to be there when Tini gets married. I told her that every negative thoughts she had is like a prayer.
She held my hand, turn to the side and fell asleep.
Not before telling me not to switch off the lights cause dad is afraid of the dark. She still jokes.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Lotus Paste
I am so excited. I just got myself a new lens. Its the Sony 30mm 2.8 macro. It all plastic, thus its light. Its in APSC format so should be perfect for my NEX5 camera. The picture is of the top of my lotus bun and taken with my 7D! See! It even works with my 7D!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I got a new toy.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Sarah's 7th Birthday
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Nerf Gun
Monday, June 28, 2010
I am legend
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
desaru 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Durian Belanda
Soursop. I love the taste of soursop. I use to frequent Serasi food court near Singapore botanical garden during my NIE days. The glass would be full of pulp and the juice would be so sweet. I missed those days.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
35-70mm f4.0 macro
Its in my hands now. The 35-70mm macro f4.0. Not that its an exquisite lens but it is of an exquisite condition.
Monday, June 14, 2010
The kids garden
Rubber plantation
Monday, June 07, 2010
Minolta 5d

35-70mm f4.0

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
My birthday

Yesterday was my 38th birthday. Although we did celebrate it in Rembau, Adam and Su and Risa prepared a birthday lunch consisting of pizzas, one with mushroom and one without. I am so touched. Adam chose a black wallet for me, although the credit card slots were very tight.

Was thinking of blogging about what happened at kampung but somehow I came across the picture. Its funny as the word "pepek" refers to the female sexual organ, in my native language that is. I would think that it should be spelt as "bebek" instead as that would mean a bird. I got me laughing hysterically.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
American Idol
My noisemaker is a star!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Taking the bus.
how long will it be before I reach home?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Today is Sunday the 23rd of May 2010. Its is 11.30 at night and I'm sleepy as hell. But tried as I might, I can't sleep. Maybe I'm stressed out by my first sociological paper tomorrow. I've never done sociology before and after flunking my first assignment, the first ever, I think that studying is really hard. Duh!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My little noisemaker is busy
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
going for tuition soon
13 inches
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Me radio
using my iPhone. The best thing is, it can work in the background. So
here I am, listening to michael buble, through my
iPhone which is connected to my small philips computer speakers. It
Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday, May 09, 2010
it cost me a bit under $500. Bought it at treknology off yio chu kang
Nice people there. The staff actually let you try the bikes before you
buy and they will recommend the bikes according to sizes. Mine is 17.5
to 19 inches. Finally settled for a blue trek 3 series with the size
18 inches printed on its frame
Although the shop is small, it has quite a diverse range of bikes.
They stock mostly trek and gary fisher bikes and the most espensive I
saw was a road bike that cost around $4k. Sheesh.
So they recommened mr a couple of bikes, not the pricier ones though
but the most logical. I like that in a sales person.
Went for a spin with it in the afternoon with Adam and Su. Headed
towards spc petrol kiosk, and bought some curry puffs. Adam's rear
tire went flat as I was about to inflate it and he had to cycle it
back. Poor he.
Now, am resting after cycling around the estate. Very, very, very
refreshing. Bike need some more tuning as I am still not comfortable
with the angle of the handle bars.
Actually, I fell. I fell when I tried to move off after getting out of
the elevators. Fell on my side, and I think I must have bounced!
So my new aim to wear out the tyres by the end of the month.
I have only cycled for only ten minutes, hoping to be at least 15
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Airport express
Now I am listening to music in my room streaming from my mac mini in
the living room. Simply awesome. Plug the damn thing in, open airport
utility in the mac mini, answer three question and that's it!
And the best thing is, I can control the output, where the music is,
how loud it is from my iPhone! Super cool.
Cost me $140 from sgl marketing. A shop on the second floor in sim lim
square. $8 bucks less than if I were to buy it online or at epicenter.
Can't wait for the ipad to be officially available in Singapore. Can't
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
time capsule ... and more
Friday, April 16, 2010
time capsule
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Reuters cameraman shot dead
from The Straits Times:
You can read it up by clicking on
Sunday, April 04, 2010
to clear some of her markings.
Anyway, just how much does those football players are earning? Must be
more than mine.
Just bought a philips bd3000 blue Ray player. It's the second one I
bought. Cost me $229 this time around. The first one was $20 dearer.
Wow! Liverpool just scored in the first minute of the second half.
Amazing goal.
Anyway, I would recommend the unit to anybody. For one, it comes with
it's own hdmi table. The Sony one that I bought did not and it cost me
$40 bucks for a hdmi cable.
Secondly, the philips one plays DVDs from various region while the
Sony does not play my region 1s.
So that's what makes me bought the philips. And not to mention that
the philips start up much faster.
sisibon. Formerly taken care of by jack's place, we were smitten by
it's fish and chips.
I ordered turkey carbonara, su ordered gado-gado and Adam ordered kids
size fish and chips.
Just one word: weloveit!!
Aside from the portion which we think were a bit too small, the taste,
the love can be felt not just our tongues but by our other senses.
As Adam said, this is the best. Personally I feel that the coleslaw is
out of the world.
Tbb is at courts, tampines.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Julia Child
Monday, January 04, 2010
The little noisemaker returns to school.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
At mega bites
But knee is so painful. Still. Adam is doing his first journal and he
is excited about it. I am such a happy person.