It has been three months since Adam went to Greendale Primary. Since then, he has made new friends and and experience a whole new level of teacher talk. Teacher talk? The way teacher talks to the kids, the very unnatural way of talking. I mean we, human beings do not talk like that when we talk to other human beings right? Think of teacher talk as an abberation of mother talk.
Anyway, Adam has got into a pretty good routine I must say. Only last week, he took out his assessment books and finished his homework, all without being told. I planned it such that 3.00pm will be his work time. He can do anything he wants from the time he got back from school until work time.
A funny thing happened the other day, well him, not me. He walked straight into a lampost! He was coming back from school and he was distracted looking at a friend of his that he smack straight into the lampost. It was funny, but both me, wifey and grandparents were not surprised. I mean, when he was in Iman, he walked straight into a bush!
His weeknights and weekevenings are quite eventfull.
He'll have swimming on Tuesdays, ngaji on Wednesdays, library on thursdays with his mum and piano on fridays. Not to mention Madrasah on Saturday morning. He seems to be coping well. Will be updating again.
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