This is so funny, that I'd stuff it all the way in the "why are there stupid things happening to me" category.
Today, as usual I had my Unisim lecture on Science (not really on the science subject but I'll talk about it in a bit). As usual, I went to JB to top up my petrol. As usual, I had easiest of time going in and going out. But, it was the going back part which made me wanted to cry out.
I was stopped, at the police check point, just after I had my car inspected my customs in the Singapore side of the causeway. This young officer, told me to wind down the window and asked for my passport. No sweat right, I mean he is doing his job. So he took my passport and began looking at the pages. From my rear view mirror, I can see another officer, looking through the windows and so on and so forth. But this guy, the passport holding officer started to make small talk. He looked through it and then asked, "Where are you going?" I mean hey, where does he think I'm going. "Home." I replied. Appearing to be shocked, he asked me if have a house in Singapore. I mean, I so wanted to say, "No, actually I'm a Filipina. I don't leave here, I got lost on the way to Cambodia!" What the f?
He continue looking at my passport and noted that I went in once a week. Seriously, if he had paid attention in math class, he would have known I went in twice a week.
An awkward silence then developed. The other officer was still checking my car, (I especially like the rims) and the guy was still flipping through my passport. I know he was trying to stall for time but hey, he could just put the passport down and waited. Suddenly, I heard an all clear and he awkwardly gave me back my passport.
I felt stupid being stupidly asked those questions by stupid people who does not know what stupid is. Just wasting my time.
Anyway, today's lecture has something to do with a Darwin and a Wallace. They focus on why Darwin is highly acknowledge while Wallace is not. It also boils down to the boundaries set by science by the scientists themselves. For example, as in it is difficult to actually have a definition as to what is religion, what actually is Science. If science belives in the material world, then what about the study of paranormal. If that is included, would that not be in the realm of being religious? Definition is important and in this case, we could be having scientist studying religion, but then again, what is religion? Is islam a religion? Why is it so? Is Buddhism a religion? Is Islam like Buddhism? What are the similar characteritics of Buddhism and Islam, Would football hooliganism have the same characteristics? What about scientology? Is that religion?
We studied Darwin's inabiliity to publish what he found out during his trip on HMS Beagle. We studied as to why Wallace, was not accepted as a professional scientist but then maybe he was ahead of his time.
Its half past midnight. Let me re read this post again tomorrow and post more stuff to make this post clearer.
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