Well of course, the most dramatic one was when I received a call at 5.00am in the morning from sister, saying that my dad was in the hospital. That was a first for me; receiving such a call. To make matters worse, my mom was already admitted in NUH two days before and my dad was warded in TTSH. After that call, my head felt like it was going to explode. Went to visit my dad after sending my wife to school.
Another first was related to Adam. Monday was Adam's first day buying food for himself by himself during recess. Turned out he ate the sandwich that Risa prepared for him and used the time saved from queuing to play games with his friends. Not a bad idea.
Monday too was the first lecture of my second module in Unism. This module is on the study of religeon. Quite baffling. The lecture was carried out by this English guy who hardly has a British accent. Looks eccentric if you asked me, the girls thought he looked quite handsome.
Oh, I went to JB after class. That was a first after a long time. The new CIQ is very winding. I ended up at the red lane instead. I got lost for a bit and with the help of somebody on a Singapore registerd motorcycle, I'd managed to find my way back home. Went again on Thursday morning.
First time going to a hotel in Batam. Will be there during CNY. I hope everything will be alright. Quite excited actually.
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