Its the first of Ramadan. And I'm so happy I made it through. I mean, I really do not have an excellent record for Ramadan. Adam made it through the day as well! Hooray. We were kept busy though. We went shopping for shoes in the morning and that took us up to 3 in the afternoon. Reached back home at 4, and went to Afghanistan for things to eat to bring to my mum's place. A bit sombre though. My sis is not in KK, thats Kota Kinabalu and my youngest sis was working. She is a web designer.

Anyway, we were at Rembau the day on Saturday. We visited the graves of Su's grandfather and grandmother. Apparently, Su's grandfather design the houses there and thus, if you've seen one, you've seen them all. We were really looking forward to staying over. Especially Adam. You see, the house was right next to the train tracks and seeing those big KTM trains whizzing past with all their audiotory glory is really something to to boy who has always thought that trains go tweet, tweet. But 5 blind baby mice put a stop to the "staying over" idea. Almost everyone went eeeek when we found the 5 blind baby mice. All except me and my sis in law who took pictures. Me? I just sat there stunned and not able to move. They reminded me of the show, Bizarre Food in channel 16. I was thinking whether I should smother them in olive oil and sauteed them. Too bad; no olive oil.

Met some relatives I did not know about. The cutest one was called Ah Moy while the elder one was called Akak. Their real names are Aquilah and Aqidah. Don't remember which is which though.

As were driving out, we saw a few cows, and boy, they sure could run. One thing I know, accidents with cows are not covered by my insurance. So there we were, taking photos of them. They were very polite though. Not a single one, shitted while we were there. When while driving we saw what's left of two of them.

I'm sure they died and made someone happy. I'd never did get to experience fresh meat.
It's getting late. I've posted some pictures in the rembau album. Let me know what you think.
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