So we took a bum boat ride to Ubin, cost us $2.50 each, one way and once we reached there we took a taxi to Chek Jawa. Never been there and so happened did all of us. We did enjoyed ourselves though. It was a tiring walk along the boardwalks and it was not the lowest of tides. But we did managed to catch glimpses of Fiddler Crabs, mud skippers, monitor lizards and believe or not, the nipah fruit. Thats where attap chee comes from. We spent some three hours in Ubin after which we took the boat ride back to mainland. We were lucky as it started to rain heavily on the ride back. If we were still at Chek Jawa, I guess we would be drenched. Bought dinner at Rasa 21 in Tampines and brought it back to Woodlands.
Forever Slimming...a father of two..a brother to two, a husband to one...
Monday, December 29, 2008
So we took a bum boat ride to Ubin, cost us $2.50 each, one way and once we reached there we took a taxi to Chek Jawa. Never been there and so happened did all of us. We did enjoyed ourselves though. It was a tiring walk along the boardwalks and it was not the lowest of tides. But we did managed to catch glimpses of Fiddler Crabs, mud skippers, monitor lizards and believe or not, the nipah fruit. Thats where attap chee comes from. We spent some three hours in Ubin after which we took the boat ride back to mainland. We were lucky as it started to rain heavily on the ride back. If we were still at Chek Jawa, I guess we would be drenched. Bought dinner at Rasa 21 in Tampines and brought it back to Woodlands.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
I must be sick today. Its 2.35 pm and I've not bathed. I've not changed my clothes and I'd would readil fall asleep if given the chance. Glad the bed is in the other room. Been sleeping the whole morning. Well not exactly the whole morning, most of the morning.
Woke up at 6.45am and prepared sausages, toast and half bolied eggs. Wife and Adam were still asleep. While wating for them to wake I fell asleep on the sofa. Adam woke me up for breakfast but I'd ended up in my room only to wake up at 2.00pm. By that time, Su had already prepared lunch. So I had lunch, fried rice and sushi. Adam made sushi. They were nice.
Now I'm hanging out the laundry but Su decided to do the dishes and the lack of space prevented me form finishing. So, here I am, waiting for Su to leave the kitchen.
I'd really must be sick. I'm so tired. Must be the rain during the bbq with the cvps people. I wonder if any of my friends and their kids are affected.
It was a wonderful bbq though...
Woke up at 6.45am and prepared sausages, toast and half bolied eggs. Wife and Adam were still asleep. While wating for them to wake I fell asleep on the sofa. Adam woke me up for breakfast but I'd ended up in my room only to wake up at 2.00pm. By that time, Su had already prepared lunch. So I had lunch, fried rice and sushi. Adam made sushi. They were nice.
Now I'm hanging out the laundry but Su decided to do the dishes and the lack of space prevented me form finishing. So, here I am, waiting for Su to leave the kitchen.
I'd really must be sick. I'm so tired. Must be the rain during the bbq with the cvps people. I wonder if any of my friends and their kids are affected.
It was a wonderful bbq though...
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Took the boat from Changi Jetty and it costs us $2.50 one way. Reached there and the restaurant selling halal food was closed. So we had to wait for another friend to bring us food from Changi. Ended up eating nasi ayam penyet while the non-muslims ate at one stop ubin restaurant.
Was there from 12 noon till 4.00 pm. Not exactly an active affair as we just sat and talked. I had four coconuts though. A very nice environment, where kids actually still ran barefooted.
The weather was quite warm and we ended up another hour in Changi Village drinking pineapple drink. Next meeting will be a seafood dinner in JB!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Adam's Kids Fiesta
Was looking at the pictures I took during Adam's graduation concert. Was really happy for him. He really is a nice boy. He has lots of friends and he enjoys being in their company. I can also see that they enjoy being with him too.
It was a grand affair. More than 100 tables. It started from 11.30 am to 5.00 pm. It started with a bang and ended with lots of tears, among teachers, parents and pupils alike. I can't blame any of them, it was such an emotional moment. If any of them are reading this, I would like to thank Ustzh Ain, Tch Ain, Tch Azlin and all of the staff in Iman Tampines for they have not just touch Adam's life but ours too.
Its is this moments that we longed to hang on to. These moments that we cherished and wished they would never go away. But reality always prevails. These moments will passed. Adam may have met his friends for the last time that day. It saddens me as I too have lost touch to too many good friends. I remember the heart wrenching moments when I have to let go. I can't express my feeling to anybody then. It was really, a very heartache period.
Anyway, tomorrow is Adam's second day of his holidays. Need to plan activities for him. I wonder what will be new and exciting for him? He has taken an interest in the television and that is one companion that I'm not too proud of. I think I'll have him conduct experiments at home.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Last Concert.
Tonight, as I lay next to my wife, I noticed her white hairs. I'd begun to notice that we have changed. Adam has changed too. I hope he'd change for the better and I wish the best for him is yet to come. He is only 6, yet he is so mature for his age. I am so lucky and blessed by Allah for this son of mine to come into my life.
Today was Adam's orientation day at Greendale Primary. As usual, I'd expected and received a boring talk by the principal after submitting the necessary documents. Adam is placed in primary 1-1, and he seems to be not the tallest in class. He was led by one of the teachers to his classroom while Su and me has to sit though the talk given by the P on school rules and such.
An hour after which, we then proceeded to pick up Adam from his class. His class is on the second floor right next to a flight of stairs. His was the class nearest to the canteen. and the toilet. He was quite animated when he described what happened in class.
He told us that he visited the toilet, the canteen. When the teacher asked his name, he said his full name which was quite long. He said that even after the teacher made him repeat his name, she still could not find it on the namelist. He was then asked to point out his name on the list, which he did, and noted his register number as well. His register number is 16 out of a class of 30.
We then looked for the school uniform queue which we found to be very long. As we had pre-order his books to be collected this Friday, we decided to buy the uniforms then as well. We had his food for recess to be catered, but that arrangement is for the first two weeks. After which he can choose to buy his own food for recess.
I'd found out that he needs to be school by 7.40am in the morning and he will be dismissed by 1.30pm except on Thurday when it'll be a PLAY day. On Thursday, he will be dismissed at 3.30pm.
All in all, I'm excited that I'm here to begin this new chapter with him. But sadness has yet to lift its finger on me as I recollect the days when he was in the cot sleeping next to me, in my room and that I'll not have those days again.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This pic showed that on 24th October 2008, I'd travel 341.1km slightly above three quarters. At this time, no additives has been added to the car.
The second picture shows that I'd reached 299.8 with the needle quite far off from the three quarter mark. This is the first time I added a fuel additive bought from an Esso outlet in JB.
The third picture showed that I'd travel 391km just as the needle past three quarter mark.
The fourth picture is after I'd added a fuel additive bought from an Esso outlet in Upp Changi Road North.
The last picture showed what I'd got at nearly the half way mark. I put this up for my own records but you may derive your own conclusion if the fuel additives do work or not. And by the way, I'm driving a trajet 2.0l cvvt. The last picture was taken in Esso JB where I refuel with about 46l. That works out to be 10.91km/l. Not much, I know but much better than some Jet who could get 300-400km in one full tank.
This pic showed that on 24th October 2008, I'd travel 341.1km slightly above three quarters. At this time, no additives has been added to the car.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Reached there around 10.30 am and we had the usual, nasi lemak, for breakfast. While we were enjoying our breakfast, the lunch crowd started to build up. The very well know nasi lemak stall at the corner started to snaking queues. I'd prefer the other nasi lemak stall though. So me and my wife had nasi lemak, adam had 4 epok-epok. Together with ice-milo, ice milo dinosaur and a cup of hot teh, we were all set.
Off we went to my in-laws place and from there, we caught High School Musical 3. Honestly, I'd give it a ten for its entertainment value. May be kiddish, but its entertaining. And the plot, well, the plot is real. The move made me flashed back to the period when I was sitting for my A levels. I sure missed my friends. The things that we did together, such as cycling around the island, disturbing the girls and of course, the presentations during GP lessons. They were killers, but I grew fond of them. High School Musical 3. Cool website too.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The url above is a new column on using film. As for me, I too missed using it. Maybe for the wrong reasons. Its not that film gives a better picture, its not that film is cheaper, far from it, but film provide less convenience than digital... What??!! I'm complaining that digital is too good... Yeah, its just too good. You could buy almost any P n S and start shooting. Most probably often enough, there will be shots that are acceptable for you and to you. And if there aren't manhy photo editing software are available for you to do some "modification". Digital just takes some of the fun away from taking pictures...
Consider the steps missing when you chose digital.
1. You have to consider which brand, type, iso rating for film...
2. Where to process ur films...
3. The magical or dissappointing moment when you opened that paper mailer with your pictures in it.
4. The fact that if you could not hack it is the results of your skills and not because you do not know how to use your computer.
5. And the fact beatiful sound of film rewinding and advancing in your camera.Sigh...
6. And what about exposure...You really need to know about exposure. With so many auto levels on Photoshop and the likes, who cares? But I for one, you need to care... Because no amt of PS skills could bring a darkened pic back to life...
Exposure, its so important that digital seemed to have staple the sheets of that chapter altogether. I mean, my son could take beautiful pictures as he is able to preview the shots and then make adjustments, but does he know the concepts of f-stops and shutter speeds, the constraints of them...He is 6 years old. He is no genius.
Will continue.
The url above is a new column on using film. As for me, I too missed using it. Maybe for the wrong reasons. Its not that film gives a better picture, its not that film is cheaper, far from it, but film provide less convenience than digital... What??!! I'm complaining that digital is too good... Yeah, its just too good. You could buy almost any P n S and start shooting. Most probably often enough, there will be shots that are acceptable for you and to you. And if there aren't manhy photo editing software are available for you to do some "modification". Digital just takes some of the fun away from taking pictures...
Consider the steps missing when you chose digital.
1. You have to consider which brand, type, iso rating for film...
2. Where to process ur films...
3. The magical or dissappointing moment when you opened that paper mailer with your pictures in it.
4. The fact that if you could not hack it is the results of your skills and not because you do not know how to use your computer.
5. And the fact beatiful sound of film rewinding and advancing in your camera.Sigh...
6. And what about exposure...You really need to know about exposure. With so many auto levels on Photoshop and the likes, who cares? But I for one, you need to care... Because no amt of PS skills could bring a darkened pic back to life...
Exposure, its so important that digital seemed to have staple the sheets of that chapter altogether. I mean, my son could take beautiful pictures as he is able to preview the shots and then make adjustments, but does he know the concepts of f-stops and shutter speeds, the constraints of them...He is 6 years old. He is no genius.
Will continue.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Leg pain
Its 9.05 pm now. About 4-5 hours since my last post. My right leg is still in pain but is numbed somewhat. I still could not walk normally, and I'm having a pretty bad limp. Don't know if I could make it to the toilet. I really should have stayed away from those rempeyek...
Leg pain
Am feeling sharp pain in my right leg now. It came very fast. I think I felt the first sensation of pain about ten minutes before I could not even rest my foot on the floor. No swelling though. Had to limp to the study room to post this entry. Took two 50mg of declofenac and two tabs of colchichine. From experience, it'll take some 2-3 hours before the pain medication takes effect. I can feel some vibration in my leg now. Pain seems to be moving all around in it. Had to ask dad to fetch adam. This is my first attack in more than six months. The longest it has ever been. There was a time when I had attacks every other day. But those atttacks are manageable. I limped to school then.
Oh well, I'm sweating now and I can feel my hearbeat beating very fast. Must be due to the pain.
Will update soon.
Oh well, I'm sweating now and I can feel my hearbeat beating very fast. Must be due to the pain.
Will update soon.
Monday, November 03, 2008
General Will
General Will as define by Rousseau is the will of the state and is the product of reason. As such, if an individual who is logical were to come down to reason, he would allow himself to follow the general will as that would be the best decision as decided by the majority. Thus if an individual were NOT to follow the general will, he is thus considered not free. The state has the right to make him be free in forcing him to follow the general will.
For example, during a vote to find the general will of the state as to whether to have a nuclear power station, the vote favours the presence of the nuclear station. This thus becomes the general will. As the general will is a result of logical thinking and reasoning, this is thus taken as the best options a state should take.
If an individual is against the presence of the nuclear station, then his thought run against the "most correct thought". As such, that individual would be wanting something that is against the general will. Acting against the general will is considered as doing something which is wrong, which the individual should not want. Thus that individual is enslaved to his particular will, and as he is enslaved, thus he is not free. The state then has the right to promote freedom by ensuring that that individual is not enslaved and should follow the general will of the people and should allow the presence of the nuclear power station. The state should be allowed to used force as necessary to force the individual to be free. This idea of forcing individuals to be free has lead to totalitarian rules in several cases.
If a vote has been taken, can we consider Rousseau idea of the general will to be equal to democracy?
Democracy, two similar but with fundamental differences.
Simple democracy, where ever opinions from every individual counts in making decisions. Quite similar to have a family discussions on where to go for family vacations. It is here that democracy differs with Rousseau. Rousseau believes that there should be one options and that options is one that has been voted on by people using logical reasoning. Rousseau does not believe in considering the opinions of many others and that will include their particular wills. For example, the general will of the family are to go and visit Penang, but the son is of an opinion to stay a day at KL. The family hears his opinion and takes that into account. As such they'll be a day or two late to reach Penang. If every member of the family opinions were to be taken into account, the family may not even reach Penang especially when there are many members in the group.
Another drawback of simple democracy would be the fact that EVERY member has to be consulted on EVERY matter that pertains to the state of which that individual in a part of. Would that be a very efficient arrangements. If every Singaporeans opinions were to be noted for every matter, for example, the position of ERP gantries, the type of HDB houses to build, it may be too troublesome. As a result if asking and noting down opinions becomes too complicated, governments may just NOT asked for opinions.
Next we come to representative democracy. In this environment, people elect representatives to enact and enforce laws on behalf of themselves. Would this be considered an environment where the state should be run that the people govern themselves, How does the people govenr themselves when decisions are made for them and not BY them. Decisions are made by the representatives they elected. And thus Rousseau contents that the right to govern themselves are only apparent on the day the vote for their representatives. Here, the people do not vote for laws to be enacted or passed or to be made redundant but to vote for people to be elected into government who then makes decision for them.
For example, during a vote to find the general will of the state as to whether to have a nuclear power station, the vote favours the presence of the nuclear station. This thus becomes the general will. As the general will is a result of logical thinking and reasoning, this is thus taken as the best options a state should take.
If an individual is against the presence of the nuclear station, then his thought run against the "most correct thought". As such, that individual would be wanting something that is against the general will. Acting against the general will is considered as doing something which is wrong, which the individual should not want. Thus that individual is enslaved to his particular will, and as he is enslaved, thus he is not free. The state then has the right to promote freedom by ensuring that that individual is not enslaved and should follow the general will of the people and should allow the presence of the nuclear power station. The state should be allowed to used force as necessary to force the individual to be free. This idea of forcing individuals to be free has lead to totalitarian rules in several cases.
If a vote has been taken, can we consider Rousseau idea of the general will to be equal to democracy?
Democracy, two similar but with fundamental differences.
Simple democracy, where ever opinions from every individual counts in making decisions. Quite similar to have a family discussions on where to go for family vacations. It is here that democracy differs with Rousseau. Rousseau believes that there should be one options and that options is one that has been voted on by people using logical reasoning. Rousseau does not believe in considering the opinions of many others and that will include their particular wills. For example, the general will of the family are to go and visit Penang, but the son is of an opinion to stay a day at KL. The family hears his opinion and takes that into account. As such they'll be a day or two late to reach Penang. If every member of the family opinions were to be taken into account, the family may not even reach Penang especially when there are many members in the group.
Another drawback of simple democracy would be the fact that EVERY member has to be consulted on EVERY matter that pertains to the state of which that individual in a part of. Would that be a very efficient arrangements. If every Singaporeans opinions were to be noted for every matter, for example, the position of ERP gantries, the type of HDB houses to build, it may be too troublesome. As a result if asking and noting down opinions becomes too complicated, governments may just NOT asked for opinions.
Next we come to representative democracy. In this environment, people elect representatives to enact and enforce laws on behalf of themselves. Would this be considered an environment where the state should be run that the people govern themselves, How does the people govenr themselves when decisions are made for them and not BY them. Decisions are made by the representatives they elected. And thus Rousseau contents that the right to govern themselves are only apparent on the day the vote for their representatives. Here, the people do not vote for laws to be enacted or passed or to be made redundant but to vote for people to be elected into government who then makes decision for them.
My mom radiotherapy sessions has ended. Besides the fact that she now coughs, unable to eat chicken rice yet, she is in high spirits. Doctors said she is recovering very well. And she still wants to go to JB, I guess things are looking up for her. She has lost some 12 kg since the treatment started but she sure likes the fact that she is smaller than me. That's my mom...
Friday, October 31, 2008
So bad

Been a bad 24 hrs for me. Firstly, I scored only a 51 for my TMAs, that got me really upset. But the one that really got me was the fact that my Melayu is so bad, I can't even complete a K2 assignement for Adam. Sigh...
So for today, I've sent Su to school at 7,00am. After which I bathed and read the newspaper till 9am. Had breakfast with Adam. And now I'm coaching him in his Malay revision. But not after I went to Jalan Kayu to buy eggs. $5 for 30 eggs. Not bad, quite big.
Not being a good tutor though, Adam just said he is hungry. Sigh...
I think we are having nasi lemak today.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Body has started swelling again and I don't mean I'm getting fat. The meats and the proteins during the Hari Raya feasting must have crystallised themselves again. Sigh. Now it hurts at my left hips, the sole of my left feet. Went to JB today. Brought mum along. She said that her radio sessions are almost done. I hope the cancer gone. She is such a fighter. I mean, she can't eat, she can't pissed and yet she walks faster than me to take a look at the buffet line. We went to Jalan Padi Emas today to service dad's car. It's near, in fact, next to angsana shopping center in JB. While waiting for the car to be serviced, we had lunch at Osman's restaurant. Wished I had taken some pics. I had mee goreng (very nice), and my mom had beef murtabak (which she took only a bite of) and a bowl of chicken soup. She then pack some rice and dishes for dad. Cost us RM21 for a meal for four. It took about 45 minutes for the car to be serviced. I had the engine oil, the oil filter, the spark plugs and one of the tyres air valve replaced. Cost RM35. Of course, I brought my own oil filter, engine oil, and spark plugs. I usually buy my oil here. But this time, dad chose Mobil 1 5w-30. I'd personally would choose a 0w-20 oil but then. He got it for $13.50 per quart so that means about $54. I'd go for amsoil. Then we went to angsana and it was here that I regret not bringing my cam. The salesgirl at the kuih bahulu outlet has this pair of huge, er slippers (yeah slippers). And she wore the er slippers covers so tight... Oh well. As for me, I bought for Su a tub of bahulu, 10 tabs of declofenac (painkillers), 50 tabs of colchicine (gout medicine) and refresh eyedrops for Su. Smooth driving to the immigration, as usual. Only we were stuck at Singapore customs. As usual. Reached home 2.20 pm. Just enough time for dad to take over the car to send mom for another radiotherapy sessions. As for me, I went up to my parents place and played Total annihilation...again.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
SOTA music faculty christmas concert.
Just came back from a concert in SOTA (school of the arts). Its the music faculty christmas concert. One of the piece that they played was the same one in one of Mr Bean's episode. Anyway, the head of the faculty is Dr Joyce Koh. Google her name to find out more.
Love the event. The concert was special for me because of the seating arrangements. Fellow pupils and members of the audience was encouraged to bring their own cushion and sat on the floor. This allow the audience to be real close to the musicians. The musicians, students of the school and some from Singapore Youth Orch, played instruments not native to them. For example, the double bass players are specialising in Chinese musical instruments and the pianist were made to be percussionists. I thought it was cool.
The Principal instead of being seated together with the VIPs sat on a plastic chair together with the audience. Come to think about this, there was no special seating arrangements. Either you sat on the floor, or the plastic chairs or you stood. No class distinction there! The VP because of the lack of space, stood for that hour of performance.
It may not be much, but it symbolised how credit is given where credit is due, at least to me. The credit should be given to the musicians, and those involved in the making of the concert.
The second half saw me within half a meter away from the performace. The music, the noise from those instruments as the notes gel together in harmony seeped into me with an explosive sensation. It was living in a higher plane. I'm so glad I'm given this opportunity to experience this.
Had a hari raya walk-walk yesterday. It practically blew my mind. Laughed so hard, had problems going to that night. Started at 12nn and I reached home around 10pm. 8 houses. It was really fun. We were really ourselves that day and even the kids chum along nicely. Hope we would do it again.
The day before, had my neighbours in for Hari Raya lunch. That was great too. But not all came, only 4 families. In the evening, had a sort of mini reunion with my nie buds. Have not seen all of them for over 12 years. Met on facebook and I volunteered my place for the meet up. We had roti jala, rendang pinang, tahu telur and a friend brought beef stiks, another bought pizzas and another brought snacks for the kids. Started at 7pm and they left my place around 10-11pm.
Hari Raya sure was a late bloomer for me this year. Was kind of depressed in the beginning and ending as this year, HR was during the exam period. But what an ending. And the food, oh man, the food. I had subsuka, tulang, samosas, gado-gado, lontong goreng, fried kway teow, and not to forget the kuihs and the nuts...oh....the gajus...kacang jawa...oh...
Now I'm just wating for my ankle to swell again.
Met new additions, like dahlila, and the other kids... and oh well, it was such a swell ending, And to top it off, its my exam today, and I am going to die!!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Woman murdered.
From the sunday times today.
Malaysian woman murdered in Little India. Seriously in Singapore? People would not believe it but yeah, it happened and many other ghastly JB-like crimes are being committed here. We, the so arrogant lot, who thinks that our northern neighbours are more barbarian than us would best reset our minds. With in the influx of foreign workers, whatever the colour of their languages, its best to have a more open mind that crap happenes, where it may be.
Could not find the link online. Will scan the article later.
Malaysian woman murdered in Little India. Seriously in Singapore? People would not believe it but yeah, it happened and many other ghastly JB-like crimes are being committed here. We, the so arrogant lot, who thinks that our northern neighbours are more barbarian than us would best reset our minds. With in the influx of foreign workers, whatever the colour of their languages, its best to have a more open mind that crap happenes, where it may be.
Could not find the link online. Will scan the article later.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So off we went, to Pasir Ris park car park C. 3 adults, 2 kids and 2 bicycles.
There is a stable there and Adam and L fed the ponies. After that we made our way to the playground. Of course, its now we, its them, I had to double back and get the car and then drive the car to car park E. Adam cried foul saying that it's not fair I can use the car while he had to pedal: "Not FAIR!" Reached back home around 11 am and got Adam for whizz club class at 12.00nn.
Risa did a good job in managing the kitchen today as we had some important guest coming in at 2.30pm. They actually came at 4.00pm though but the food was ready. She is now cutting up chicken to prepare for tomorrow. Several groups of important guests coming.
It's 9% now.
See you guys again.
Picture is crappy as it was taken by my mobile phone.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
10 minutes
Just spent some quality time with wifey. She was surfing the net and we saw the zoo site. Not bad leh. They have interesting programs coming for this Dec hols. The link is here. . Adam bathed and then our quality time ended.
Anyway, for that ten minutes, I managed to whip up several slices of toasted garlic bread using home made garlic spread.
It was fun while it lasted, well not exactly fun, she said I smell. It's nice to hear she saying that. I mean we must be really closed for her to smell me... Anyway she smell nice.
Anyway, for that ten minutes, I managed to whip up several slices of toasted garlic bread using home made garlic spread.
It was fun while it lasted, well not exactly fun, she said I smell. It's nice to hear she saying that. I mean we must be really closed for her to smell me... Anyway she smell nice.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wow! A good start today. Actually, the "good" started yesterday!
Started with going to sleep at the balcony with wife and Adam. Woke up at 12 mn and went back into my room. Wife did not wake up so I had the whole bed to myself.
Chest did not hurt that much so I did have a better night's sleep.
Woken up by my wife at 7.00am...oh so gently...
Re-woken up by Adam, at 7.10am with a toy car in my mouth...oh so ....
Send wifey to school.
Brought Adam to Jalan Kayu to buy eggs...30 eggs for $5. (big though they are)
Came back home, feeling very good.
Bathed and then chased naked Adam into the bathroom...
Watched T.V for ten minutes.
Cooked breakfast!
2 eggs scrambled with onions and sliced cherry tomatoes.
3 slices of toasted multi grain bread smeared oh so lightly with grape jam...
Coffee sweetened oh, so delicately with unrefined brown sugar.
Took me only 10 minutes, less than that actually if I could have walked faster.
Adam had half boiled eggs...he set the table.
What a wonderful day!
Started with going to sleep at the balcony with wife and Adam. Woke up at 12 mn and went back into my room. Wife did not wake up so I had the whole bed to myself.
Chest did not hurt that much so I did have a better night's sleep.
Woken up by my wife at 7.00am...oh so gently...
Re-woken up by Adam, at 7.10am with a toy car in my mouth...oh so ....
Send wifey to school.
Brought Adam to Jalan Kayu to buy eggs...30 eggs for $5. (big though they are)
Came back home, feeling very good.
Bathed and then chased naked Adam into the bathroom...
Watched T.V for ten minutes.
Cooked breakfast!
2 eggs scrambled with onions and sliced cherry tomatoes.
3 slices of toasted multi grain bread smeared oh so lightly with grape jam...
Coffee sweetened oh, so delicately with unrefined brown sugar.
Took me only 10 minutes, less than that actually if I could have walked faster.
Adam had half boiled eggs...he set the table.
What a wonderful day!
Monday, October 06, 2008
Kampung Raya.
So 5 cars were at the R and R area at 8.00 while the other 2, mine and my aunt met them at 9.00. There was no jam...
The plan was to hit straight to Malacca and visit my grand aunt. After that we would drive back southwards to Kahang, where we would visit another of my grand aunt. That was the plan.
What happened was, 7 cars went to Malacca. After saying our good byes, 6 cars drove Southwards back to Pagoh R and R while another headed towards K.L.
Oh by the way, if you drove towards K.L, and you do stop over at Machap, the Cafe sells good toast.
There were 7 cars, all except one were driven by experience drivers. That 1 car was driven by my cousin who happened to have just passed his licensed for about a month and has just gotten his car.
Anyway, what usually happened is, all cars would stop immediately after the toll gates and regroup. But somehow that did not happen that day.
After visiting Malacca, and passing through the toll gates, only 3 or four cars stopped. The fifth car, drove without stopping and we gamely followed, without realising that my cousin has not cleared the gates. I would think that he went towards K.L instead of JB. We only realised that he was not with us about ten minutes into the drive.
We then started to panicked and like all cheap thriller movies, it started to rain. The police too came. It was very drama. And then, we realised that my aunt's car windshield wiper came loose. As such, she can't operate the wiper. So we try and we try to solve this new problem while the current problem is giving us more problems.
My father, then give instructions to head towards Pagoh where we will wait for my cousing to arrive.
This all happened at Ayer Keroh exit. If you head towards K.L, the next exit where you could make a u-turn would be at Alor Gajah.
Once we reached Pagoh, news came that my cousin has passed Alor Gajah and now is about 30 minutes to K.L. When asked why he did not turn out from the highway, the answer was, they did not see any exit. From here, we could sense that panicked has started to set in in that car. We waited for about an hour at Pagoh, and we received word that he made the U-Turn at Ser
Oh boy. More drama coming up.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Hari Raya
Its Hari Raya Eid today. So to all who knows me, I wish you guys the best of Eid, and in the spirit of Eid, I forgive you all...and ask the same of you.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Dzahir Batin.
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Dzahir Batin.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Two more days.
Today, while driving, I asked my son, Adam as to what will be the first thing he'll do when its Hari Raya. "Playground."
Friday, September 26, 2008
Manukka Honey
Su has been sick with a sore throat the past few days. So I have been making her honeyed drinks like honey tea, honey lemon etc etc. I have been using the honey that comes in small glass bottles that was given to her as teacher's day gift. They smelled awful, sourish, but with a fairly sweet taste.
So today, while I was reading the newspapers, saw an ad showing the cost of two of those glass bottled honey. I did not know that they could be so expensive. I mean $49 for two? And these are on offer! I mean, I think those $5 bigger bottles of honey sold in Prime Supermarket should be fine right?
And they come with instructions too, like don't use hot water, don't use metal spoons...Wah!!!
So today, while I was reading the newspapers, saw an ad showing the cost of two of those glass bottled honey. I did not know that they could be so expensive. I mean $49 for two? And these are on offer! I mean, I think those $5 bigger bottles of honey sold in Prime Supermarket should be fine right?
And they come with instructions too, like don't use hot water, don't use metal spoons...Wah!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chicken Rendang
Been trying out this recipe for chicken rendang. My family seems to love it.
If you guys are interested, I can have it done for you.
$12 for a whole chicken cut into 12 pieces.
Good for a family of 4-6 people.
$8 for half a chicken with 6 pieces.
Delivery can be arranged.
Its good if you can give me a two hour lead time.
Accepts cash, personal cheques, but prefer funds transfer through internet banking.
Oh, local orders only ya.
Either leave a reply here, or email me at or call me at 96988429.
If you guys are interested, I can have it done for you.
$12 for a whole chicken cut into 12 pieces.
Good for a family of 4-6 people.
$8 for half a chicken with 6 pieces.
Delivery can be arranged.
Its good if you can give me a two hour lead time.
Accepts cash, personal cheques, but prefer funds transfer through internet banking.
Oh, local orders only ya.
Either leave a reply here, or email me at or call me at 96988429.
Chicken Rendang
Been trying out this recipe for chicken rendang. My family seems to love it.
If you guys are interested, I can have it done for you.
$12 for a whole chicken cut into 12 pieces.
Good for a family of 4-6 people.
$8 for half a chicken with 6 pieces.
Delivery can be arranged.
Its good if you can give me a two hour lead time.
Accepts cash, personal cheques, but prefer funds transfer through internet banking.
Oh, local orders only ya.
If you guys are interested, I can have it done for you.
$12 for a whole chicken cut into 12 pieces.
Good for a family of 4-6 people.
$8 for half a chicken with 6 pieces.
Delivery can be arranged.
Its good if you can give me a two hour lead time.
Accepts cash, personal cheques, but prefer funds transfer through internet banking.
Oh, local orders only ya.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Oh man, I love the KPE. Today when I woke up, I was prepared to pay through my nose the ERP charges. I planned to use the KPE for the first time. And I did. It took me just 5-10 minuutes to reach Su's school and the whole trip, to and fro took me less than 30 minutes. No ERP! I went in at tound 7.10 and reached home about 7.45am. It was fantastic. No traffic and I could doodle along at 70km/h. Its a god send! I was so ecstatic seeing that it took me more than an hour to make the same trip to and fro.
Friday, September 19, 2008
I failed my M5 paper. Boo Hoo. Feeling very low now. Feeling very dumb. Supposed to be the easiest paper. Dumb dumb...sigh.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Take Stock
It has been about two months since I resigned. What has happened in my life lately. Well the thing that triggers this reflection was the song I heard from the radio on the way back from JB. I think the chorus starts with here without you baby..da di da..
Oh well.
Anyway, if I were to follow the schedule, I would be a licensed financial planner by the end of next week. That would mean that I would be able to do one of those things that I believe in. Hey, insurance may not be a everyone's cup of tea, nevertheless, it'll helps when you are thirsty right?
But then, my mom's chemo and radio schedule interferes with my class timings. So, I had to forego attending the class. One has to pass 2 papers, M9 and M5 and attend two ITC class to be licensed as a financial planner. I passed my m9 and in a few hours it'll be m5 paper. But I'll have to sit for the ITC class in November though.
Received a letter from LTA, regarding my taxi vocation classes and bus driver vocational class. Did not know that you have to take classes for both. For bus drivers, it is 3 nights followed by a test. To be a taxi, one needs to take classed for 30 days plus an excursion. Hooray, an excursion. Requirements set by the STA, Singapore Taxi Academy. See, even taxi also got academy. So all the taxi drivers that you see out there are actually graduates.
Managed to coach adam better for the past few weeks. Actually, only to a certain extent. For example, his knowledge in piano playing AND history is far better than mine, and his Iqra is at least 5 times better. My role when it comes to these study sessions, is to make he is on task and nod my head as and when needed. But his Math and English is much better now and his Science is fantastic. He got a telescope for his birthday, but yet to be able to make use of it yet because of the cloudy night sky nowadays.
A friend of mine, Su's colleague and friend too pass away on Sunday. He died in his sleep, while sleeping next to his fiance. Scary huhh? I mean, I don't know about you, but when I wake up at 3.00 am, I would like to squeeze my partner before falling asleep again. So, in this case, what actually will you be hugging? Anyway, she only realise he has passed away the NEXT MORNING.
My friend, was Scottish and they finally shipped his body out to Scotland on Wednesday. It was a shock to me. NOT the shipping out part, the dying part. I think he was in his thirties. I'm in my thirties!
Its ten past 2 in the morning, and it sure is a warm night. I'm practically saunaing in the dining room.
Finances are a bit tight, but I think it's livable. Could not spend as much as before though. I mean, I could not buy a new h/p, a new set of wheels for my car. I used to be able to though. But then, it comes in a package.
So here's to me, all the best.
And to you, take care.
Oh well.
Anyway, if I were to follow the schedule, I would be a licensed financial planner by the end of next week. That would mean that I would be able to do one of those things that I believe in. Hey, insurance may not be a everyone's cup of tea, nevertheless, it'll helps when you are thirsty right?
But then, my mom's chemo and radio schedule interferes with my class timings. So, I had to forego attending the class. One has to pass 2 papers, M9 and M5 and attend two ITC class to be licensed as a financial planner. I passed my m9 and in a few hours it'll be m5 paper. But I'll have to sit for the ITC class in November though.
Received a letter from LTA, regarding my taxi vocation classes and bus driver vocational class. Did not know that you have to take classes for both. For bus drivers, it is 3 nights followed by a test. To be a taxi, one needs to take classed for 30 days plus an excursion. Hooray, an excursion. Requirements set by the STA, Singapore Taxi Academy. See, even taxi also got academy. So all the taxi drivers that you see out there are actually graduates.
Managed to coach adam better for the past few weeks. Actually, only to a certain extent. For example, his knowledge in piano playing AND history is far better than mine, and his Iqra is at least 5 times better. My role when it comes to these study sessions, is to make he is on task and nod my head as and when needed. But his Math and English is much better now and his Science is fantastic. He got a telescope for his birthday, but yet to be able to make use of it yet because of the cloudy night sky nowadays.
A friend of mine, Su's colleague and friend too pass away on Sunday. He died in his sleep, while sleeping next to his fiance. Scary huhh? I mean, I don't know about you, but when I wake up at 3.00 am, I would like to squeeze my partner before falling asleep again. So, in this case, what actually will you be hugging? Anyway, she only realise he has passed away the NEXT MORNING.
My friend, was Scottish and they finally shipped his body out to Scotland on Wednesday. It was a shock to me. NOT the shipping out part, the dying part. I think he was in his thirties. I'm in my thirties!
Its ten past 2 in the morning, and it sure is a warm night. I'm practically saunaing in the dining room.
Finances are a bit tight, but I think it's livable. Could not spend as much as before though. I mean, I could not buy a new h/p, a new set of wheels for my car. I used to be able to though. But then, it comes in a package.
So here's to me, all the best.
And to you, take care.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Its the first of Ramadan. And I'm so happy I made it through. I mean, I really do not have an excellent record for Ramadan. Adam made it through the day as well! Hooray. We were kept busy though. We went shopping for shoes in the morning and that took us up to 3 in the afternoon. Reached back home at 4, and went to Afghanistan for things to eat to bring to my mum's place. A bit sombre though. My sis is not in KK, thats Kota Kinabalu and my youngest sis was working. She is a web designer.
Anyway, we were at Rembau the day on Saturday. We visited the graves of Su's grandfather and grandmother. Apparently, Su's grandfather design the houses there and thus, if you've seen one, you've seen them all. We were really looking forward to staying over. Especially Adam. You see, the house was right next to the train tracks and seeing those big KTM trains whizzing past with all their audiotory glory is really something to to boy who has always thought that trains go tweet, tweet. But 5 blind baby mice put a stop to the "staying over" idea. Almost everyone went eeeek when we found the 5 blind baby mice. All except me and my sis in law who took pictures. Me? I just sat there stunned and not able to move. They reminded me of the show, Bizarre Food in channel 16. I was thinking whether I should smother them in olive oil and sauteed them. Too bad; no olive oil.

Met some relatives I did not know about. The cutest one was called Ah Moy while the elder one was called Akak. Their real names are Aquilah and Aqidah. Don't remember which is which though.

As were driving out, we saw a few cows, and boy, they sure could run. One thing I know, accidents with cows are not covered by my insurance. So there we were, taking photos of them. They were very polite though. Not a single one, shitted while we were there. When while driving we saw what's left of two of them.

I'm sure they died and made someone happy. I'd never did get to experience fresh meat.
It's getting late. I've posted some pictures in the rembau album. Let me know what you think.
Met some relatives I did not know about. The cutest one was called Ah Moy while the elder one was called Akak. Their real names are Aquilah and Aqidah. Don't remember which is which though.
As were driving out, we saw a few cows, and boy, they sure could run. One thing I know, accidents with cows are not covered by my insurance. So there we were, taking photos of them. They were very polite though. Not a single one, shitted while we were there. When while driving we saw what's left of two of them.
I'm sure they died and made someone happy. I'd never did get to experience fresh meat.
It's getting late. I've posted some pictures in the rembau album. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yan's convo.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Going to Su's kampung this Saturday and Sunday. Am feeling excited about the trip. Will be going after Adam's Whiz club which is at 2. Should reach the place, at Pedas/Linggi latest by 5. Hope I won't get lost.
I hope everyone feeling fine. As for me, my leg has not been hurting anymore. I've a $30 adidas voucher which I'm going to spend buying a new pair of running shoes. The one I bought at Langkawi lasted me about 8 months.
So again, have a good week ahead.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Its an hour into a new Monday. Wifey is having off in lieu for National Day today, so we are staying over at my parents place. Adam is all excited, he refuses to fall asleep until his cousin does, but then, girls being girls, she managed to stay awake longer than him! Oh well, he has kept a regular sleeping pattern since birth: wakes up at 6, sleeps before 9.
Just received an SMS from an ex colleague who has also left the teaching service. And today will be his first work day. So, Isham, I wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life.
Meeting an Insurance guy who is keen to recruit me. He sells OUB manulife policies. I'm still inclined to go with NTUC as I think theirs are more truthful. But then said, I think if one needs to grow their money, insurance is not the way, security of their money yes, but not to grow. To a certain extent, insurance does help to grow your money but usually at a cost of you have to lock up the funds until the breakeven year, and that could be as far as 10-15 years. Now to me, money is money, it has to remain liquid. If you are buying for security, yes go for insurances. But then, moderation is the key.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
For your info, her cancer is only at the nose and it has not spread to the bones. She will start radiotherapy next week. Pray for me and with me please.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Adam birthday celebration.
Adam's birthday celebration it tomorrow. So I guess you can say I'll be kept busy the as of when I woke up today. That should explain as to why I simply refused to get out of bed!
Oh, my mom has been diagnosed with cancer.
Friday, August 08, 2008
It was 8.45 am. I just came back from doing a bit of marketing in Giant and my boy still has not woken up. So I did the next best thing. I took out my camera! Not bad...
Sunday, August 03, 2008
If not for anything else, the karipap sold near my son's school makes the trip there worthwhile.
This is the bestest Karipap I have ever eaten. Mainly it is because it is made and sold at the source. Its light and crispy. Its filling is generous enough and it's still warm when I brought it home half an hour later.
Got this at this kopitiam in Tampines St 11. I think it is at Blk 137. The name of the coffee shop is Sarah Rose.
A bit pricey though, at $1.50 each. Go for the Sambal Sardine.

This is the bestest Karipap I have ever eaten. Mainly it is because it is made and sold at the source. Its light and crispy. Its filling is generous enough and it's still warm when I brought it home half an hour later.
Got this at this kopitiam in Tampines St 11. I think it is at Blk 137. The name of the coffee shop is Sarah Rose.
A bit pricey though, at $1.50 each. Go for the Sambal Sardine.
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