"I need the softener so that I can continue with the laundry."
"Eh, bapak did not want to start the laundry eh?"
"Huh?" I glanced at the washing machine and it was already half way through.
"Did I not tell you I was waiting for the shengsiong man to come and deliver the groceries. Only once I have received the softener, I would then continue the laundry?"
"But I saw you lying on the sofa, I thought you would have forgotten about the laundry."
"I was waiting for the softener to arrived."
And then I saw it. For about a month washing without conditioner I saw a refilled bag and a bottle tucked underneath the sink.
"Arrrgh! You mean to tell me we had softener all this while?"
"Huh? Is that what it is?"
"Meli, the washing machine is not a toy. The buttons does not give joy."