Can't remember what I had over the weekend. Here are some sketches from what I can remember.
Sunday, I had nothing for breakfast. I had to send and fetch my two sons and wife from swimming and soccer lessons. Completed around 11 and went to Hawkerman in Singapore building. I had half a piece battered fish of the fish and chips and half a cup of very strong kopi.
Went home and rested until around 4. Went to Changi beach. Headed to Padi Mas and I had half a plate of Hokkien Noodles. It has eggs in it. And half a cup of bandung. I think there should be milk in it. I guess that's it for Sunday.
Today, a cup of milo for breakfast, that is after I send every body else to register Idris for P1. Meli cooked chicken rice but only had it about 3.30. Reheat the grilled chicken pieces with sauteed sliced onion, green chillies in olive oil. Used that as a sauce lathering the chicken pieces thus reheating it. Geddit?
Waiting for dinner, which should be chicken rice as well.
How I missed soy bean curd.
The very strong kopi. |