Before I bore you with the details, here are some pictures.
At Changi Airport, boarding gate 13. |
Choosing whether we wanted our meat grilled or fried. |
Rows and ros of garnishes. |
At the hotel swimming pool. |
Lembang Floating Market. |
Balls. |
An unnamed eatery where they served gorgeous kway teow goreng. |
At Alas Daun Restaurant. Sunda styled cooking. |
At the Bandung airport lounge. |
Prior to boardimg the flight to Bandung. |
The locals called it Pempek, I just called it delicious. |
Beautiful blue sky. |
On the tarmac. Going home. |
Easton dining. At Rumah Mode Factory outlet. |
Lembang floating market. |
Seller. Lembang Floating Market. |
Blue Skies. |
Boarding the plane. |
Some of the foods that were being sold. |
Padang dishes. |
SIL and MIL. Happy. |
Two of the various sambal sauces. |
At Sapu Lidi Restaurant. Where one can choose to eat in a gazebo. |
Signages at Lembang Food Market. |
Hotel swimming pool. |
At De' Ranch |
SIL with cream soda. |
Still could not rearrange the pictures properly, so they are not in order.
We went to Bandung for a total of 4 days. More like 2 days and 3 nights actually as we arrived late in the evening and left early in the morning. Took AirAsia and had to disembarked onto the tarmac in Bandung. Its a small airport, I think they have about 4 immigration counters only.
Stayed at
favehotel cihampelas which, to me was a good choice. Its just across the street from Jeans Street. If you are looking for big sizes for jeans, the biggest that I can find is size 46. Sidewalks are not well paved. So if you have a 2 year old son sitting in a stroller, you would need some assistance.
My take
Traffic is horrible. If you intend to go to several places for sight seeing or shopping, I would recommend that you space them out with only one location per half a day. If not, you will spend much much time in the vehicle travelling at a slow slow pace.
But do not forget to eat. Let your driver bring you around for your meals. The food is cooked in a predominantly two style of cooking. One is the Sunda way, while the other is the Padang way. Padang food is richer, usually contained coconut milk. They are both fantastic. We had our meals at Restaurant Sederhana (Padang), Alas Daun (Sunda) and Sapu Lidi (Sunda / Bandung). I could not fault any of them, ok, maybe if they have a less undulating floor.
Because of the too many places that we wanted to go, we could not shop to our heart's contend. If you do decide to go to Bandung, you need to prioritise, and also, go during the weekdays.
Pictures taken using Fujifilm x100s.
Slim. And happy Ramadan everybody.