Saturday, December 28, 2013

I am missing something.

I must be missing something. I do not know what it is but I am always seeking things to buy on Ebay or clubsnap buy and sell forums. I have a feeling that I am missing my Minolta 40mm f2.0 M mount lens. I love that lens. I sold it or rather, traded it for a Contax G 90mm lens. I should not have but the lens is getting old and because it was on my nex 7 most of the time, it has shown its age.

As in the previous post, I have bought several new items, and one of them is a leica. A 60mm 2.8 macro Elmarit. That is quite a mouthful. I do not even know which word comes first. What I do know is that its a German made Leica. I realise that one can get this lens cheap. I traded my CZ 28mm 2.8 ZM mount for this. But I think, and this is my opinion, it more than able to make up for it's monetary value. I enjoyed using this lens. I wished I would have gotten this lens sooner.

Blue Bells

I love the look of the out of focus background. I believe that I have never seen it before. The colour produced is fantastic. Its rich but not over saturated.

Currently, I am using the M43 system and I more often than not, I am using a SGD$120 EPL2. I love this camera for its ergonomics and its functionality. However, its a mismatched for the lens. The lens makes the whole set up front heavy. Nevertheless, I find myself enjoying the front heaviness, quite a different feel to using the EPL2 with the Panasonic 14mm. One of the smallest lens I have in my arsenal.

Ant on a leave

Thus, that is why I am looking forward to getting an M mount lens, to replace my Minolta 40mm. I am looking forward to get the Voigtlanded 40mm f1.4 SC. I would think that it will be bigger than my Minolta but not as big as the Leica and hopefully not as heavy as Contax G 45mm planar + the metabones adapter.

If everything goes well, the lens should be in my hand next week.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Panasonic 14mm 2.5

New toy
Well, strictly speaking its not a new toy. Its newer. I bought it used. I bought it for SGD$180. I bought it yesterday. Thus, used, $180 and yesterday should provide an inkling as to how excited I was in using this lens.

EPL2 and Panasonic 14mm 2.5
Not yet
I have to use it for a full day yet. But the pictures look promising. Its small, much smaller than the panasonic 20mm, another new lens that I just bought.

This lens provide me with a fov of 28mm, and although many would argue that a 35mm (the olympus 17mm) or a 24mm (the olympus 12mm) would give a more satisfying photography experience, I beg to differ. I like this focal length. It is more practical. It gives less distortion and its much much cheaper than either of those two lenses I mentioned.

I would think that this 14mm is a safe bet for those who wanted a bit more oomph as compared to the 14mm in the kit lens. The improvements in low light picture taking is in itself a boon.

Here are some pic which I took today using my EPL2.

As I exited out of the tunnel

The traffic was at a standstill. I wind down the windows and I took a snap.

Hat on a dashboard
Wife made this. Its still on my dashboard.

Stay tuned for more pictures.
