Monday, July 15, 2013

A new beginning

A letter
As I write this entry, I am filled with excitement, yet full of dismay. I am excited that if everything goes well, I should be well on my way of attaining my wildest dreams, to be a taxi driver. Yes, I have said this to many and I will now declare it to all who care to read, I want to be a taxi driver. The romanticsm of driving a shiny vehicle along the roads of Singapore, being given the opportunity to peek into another's way of living as we chatted on in that short period of time, would that not be great? Less not a voyeur I be, but a more knowledgeable person I should be.

A dmit
I will admit it. Many do not subcribed to the notion of driving people around to be the best way to make a living. But what is best to some people may be the ultimate for others and some may say its not their cup of tea. I may be a romantic at heart, but I am also a realist. A realist that realise he may be wrong. What I would not give to be sitting, driving people all day and being paid for it. But people do say though, its a hard life. And while part of me still longed for the freedom of being your own boss, a bigger part of me tells me that it is a dangerous, tough and time consuming occupation.

The start
Nevertheless, I have sent in the application form. I hope my wildest dreams will come true. I hope I do become a taxi driver.


Monday, July 08, 2013

Widly Oats

This cannot be happening
Not so soon. I am only up to page 8. It would sound much better is the book does not start from page 6. Sigh.

This is the book that is the cause of me failing to graduate the degree program last year. As a result, I have to resit the module. I know I have to read this bu E.A.P is just to personal. Its his thoughts and actions that I am reading and not those of another voice, favouratibly, the narrator.  I will get this done. Sometimes its good to set a dateline. Most of the time, you ended up missing them.

In a few minutes time, I will making my way to the Gardens by the Bay. We will have lunch first and I expect us to move out in under half an hour. That is pretty doubtful, seeing that the mum and the baby are still enjoying their youth day naps.

On a sadder note, a pre-school teacher was video-ed mishandling one of her charges. As a result, the child suffered a fracture on one of his shin. The 51 year old lady has since been arrested. All of the action was caught on the CCTV which the parents viewed and recorded onto their mobile phones. Of which, it was released on FB. I was aghast! How can anybody do that? Releasing the video on FB. Seriously, how does one transfer video from a mobile phone to FB. And more importantly, why? Perhaps it was out of anger, fear or maybe it was out of upmanship. Whatever it is, I hope one of the reason is to help the poor child gets better and may he not be tormented by the videos himself when he finally have access to HIS FB.

On a slightly happier note, Nigella Lawson is divorced or going to be divorced. Happy? Yeah, why would not I happy be? Her hubby, a Saatchi, throttle her throat in a restaurant and get this... because she was advised to keep mum over it, he is settling for divorce. Seriously, one would think that many would fall for that? I would fall for many things, true, but not for this. This is a serious case of "I am sick of your cooking and flaunty camera angles shows but I cannot make up my mind how to break it to you." So there.

Oh well, those are the two incidents that merits my taking a break from reading my book time.

Here is to more Wildly Oats.

Cool. Slim.