Monday, March 25, 2013

3 men and a lady

3 men and a lady
My wife now have to contend to have 3 men, all of varying sizes, optimistically trying to share the queen size bed with her and her attention. Usually the, smallest one win. If he is lucky, the medium size one would be able to spend the whole night with her while the XXL size one would have to shift to another room. However, by 3 am, when its feeding time, all would have gone to their rightful place, the S size would have won full access to the bed.
Its true, its not the size that matters, its the volume.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

2 months and 3 weeks old.

2 months and 3 weeks old. by Nor Salman
2 months and 3 weeks old., a photo by Nor Salman on Flickr.

My baby, who was lying between me and wifey woke me up with a gentle nudge of his little hand. I thought that it must be a fluke since, I don't think a 2 and a half month old baby could have thought about and actually have that good a psychomotor skill to nudge me. Whatever it was, I woke up looking at one of his most heart warming smile.
Either he was having a major gas situation or he really wanted to wake me up.
Alhamdulilah, it was not gas.

Via Flickr:
and 6.1kg. Minolta 70-210 AF

Friday, March 01, 2013

Sleeping in the other room

I am so sleepy. But I can't fall asleep once I lie down on the bed. I am sleeping in the study room. Not sleeping in my own bed would mean that Su would have more space for baby when it comes to feeding at night. So thoughtful right?
I am nodding off. I hope I will have a great rest tonight.
