Forever Slimming...a father of two..a brother to two, a husband to one...
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thia has nothing to do with my upcoming paper on consumerism and consumption culture. This is just one of the musings that I have while I am in my "zoned out" zone. Yes, I do have a zone out zone. And while I usually "zone out" while in the lavatory, this event occured when I was reading the Sunday newspapers. And no, the Sunday newspapers, to a very large extent, do not have anything to do with me, zoning out.
Brands, Curries
A friend of mine, a Malay, was venting her frustration at the Malay Wedding function that is invariable, infuriating her. Apparently, she is upset that the wedding organisers has included a karaoke machine as part of the entertainment. Usually, karaoke machines comes with professional karaoke singers. I guess, when one is preparing for one's exams in less than 24 hours, any karaokeing is too much karaokeing. This incident, reminded me of several "fb" incidents where individuals of various ethinic backgrounds openly chided groups of other ethinic origins, due to their customs or their actions. The latest one was about a Chinese, who I think, was so upset about the Malay wedding held within ear shot, hers apparently, wrote in her facebook, with expletives mind you, about the cheapness of marriages in the Malay community. That post went viral, and since it raised the ire of the population (mostly Malays), she was sacked from her job. Seriously, I kid you not. Another incident, involving the cooking of curries by a local household. The neighbours, a non local household, found the smell too unappealing that they lodge a complain with the appropriate authorites (which? your guess is as good as mine) and a settlement was soon reached. Amazing, but true, the settlement was, that the local household can only cook curry when the non-local household was not at home. Amazing, right. What is more amazing was that that was the settlement, accepted by both parties. Perhaps, in trying to keep to good neighbourliness. I don't know about you but smells play a part in determining how good food taste, so if that curry is so offending smelly, I bet that it so offendingly tasty. But, what is more amazing, and to me a but rediculous, was that this story went viral on face book. There were so many people that were so unhappy with the settlement, that explanations by the authorities, was sought and given. Nevertheless, somehow, there was a Cook Curry Today day that happened. Yup, if only there was an incident involving Mondays and Work. Then I guess, I will gladly sign up for No Mondays for Work day. Would that not be even amazing.
Yes, yes, the title looks very massive, with the boldness and the capital c, but no, its not about consumerism. Its about what happened to being a consumerism. Many sociologist has lamented that modern society will tend to creep towards the art of buying as the new art of living. I, on the other hand is wondering, "whats next"? I remembered how the brand of shoes, bags and clothes that we buy would reflect our statuses among friends. I wonder if, it still holds true to the younger generations. Why I asked, you may wonder, because it seems that brands are not that importants for them. They seemed not to be bothered about the brands of clothers they wear nowadays, they are more bothered by the actual item. I see their point, a shoe is a shoe. An xbox is an xbox. You can't have xbox from brand z while another from brand y. There is only one xbox. Thus, branding has been taken out of the picture. What about watches, mobile phones and all that. All of them have not been a given fact.
I have to continue later. I am getting heart burn.
Friday, November 09, 2012
Kak Tijah
This is Kak Tijah. She works as a cleaner at @Punggol. She also create a herb garden. Thats her, choosing some mint leaves for me.
I love her tenacity, her humbleness and of course her friendliness.
Thursday, November 08, 2012
Prune and green apple crumble
Here is what I used.
Part A (Do this first)
5 ounces of flour.
1 and a half cups of walnuts, crushed
1 and a half cups of crackers, crushed
2 thirds of a cup of sugar.
6 punces of butter, chilled and cut into cubes.
Mixed them up in a bowl and try to rub the butter into the flour. Don't have to be perfect.
Set B
3 big sugar prunes, cubed
2 green apples, peeled and cubed
half a cup of sugar
juice of half a lemon
and a cup of Set A.
Mixed them all up.
Spread Set B on whatever you want to bake the crumble in.
Spread Set A on top. Don't have to be perfect!
Put in in the oven at 145 degrees C. For about 30 minutes. Until the crust is golden brown.
Via Flickr:
With Walnuts and cashews in the crusts. Nex 5 with contax 45/2
Thursday, November 01, 2012
By the river side
I went for a walk today. I went to Punggol Riverside. Did not plan to, but Adam asked me if I was going to exercise today. Who can say no to that?
I walked and I took pictures. I brought along my nex-5 and my newly acquired Minolta 24-85. I like the lens so much. The problem is, I like all of my lenses that I cannot bear to part with any of them.
Anyway, the walk... eel, I did walk. And I met a lady, who I think works as a cleaner at @Punggol. I am going back and then take her picture and pictures of her garden.
I like the walk. I did not manage to reach the bridge though although I can see it. It was the furthest that I walk while I was on my own.
I feel myself to be much lighter now. Maybe its because I am sitting on the very comfortable
I know my feet will hurt sooner rather than later, but then, that is the beauty. They will get better. I told Su that I want to get the @99. Always the better one in our relationship, she, I guess I won't be getting it!
Via Flickr:
Minolta 24-85mm Nex-5
Sunday, October 21, 2012
This is Rayyan, Sarah's (a cousin of mine) first born. A very handsome fellow if I do say so myself. Very much like Adam, the way I remembered him when he was that age, ok maybe Adam was a bit bigger.
Took this at Fareha's wedding. Held at Masjid Abdul Razak yesterday. Love the atmosphere. Did not take too kindly to the other photographer though. I hate what he did.
Anyways, suppose to wake up earlier today and have a good walk and shoot day but alas, day was spoilt when I woke up at 0730. Maybe later, when Adam is at his swimming lesson.
Body felt refreshed when I showered just now but the zzz monster is starting to take over. Hope it won't win.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Road leading to sembawang mosque
I like this picture. A very moody look. Its like there is something beyond what's there.
Woke up at 6 today. Sent wifey to school when I came back, my body stubornly refuse to let me do anything else except to go back to bed. Woke up at 11 am. Brushed my teeth and took off to JB to fill up the Jet. Came back and after eating a slice of whole grain with peanut butter, I am full.
Was reading the newspapers awhile back, but nothing came to mind. Must have been a boring yesterday.
Still thinking of getting the LA-EA2 for my ned. That will be about $420. I don't think I have the cash to spend. So I made up my mind. I will get it next week, when wifey's pay is in. Yup, still making use of her. Love her much much. Not because of just her pay only but because she is her.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I caned him.
I caned him today. I can't believe that I did. I caned on his left palmed. I caned him out of a sense of responsibility. I caned him because I said I would. I should not have, but I did and I am very sorry.
I caught him lying. He told me he did not hand in his worksheet because his mother said that she wanted to go over the questions with him. I cannot accept that. I cannot accept him lying about his mother like that. I was so angry. I shouted at him, told him to stop making excuses. I then used that as an excuse to use the cane.
I am sure, I was caned when I was young. I cannot remember. I don't think I was. I know for a fact that I was not afraid of being caned, because I am not afraid of not doing the right thing. I was slapped by a teacher several times when I was in primary school. But I was never caned.
I made him go back to school today. I made him collect his worksheets from his teacher. I then made him complete the worksheets. His mother took over after dinner. I think I would have found the long hours more uncomfortable as compared to being caned. I sincerely hope, I don't have to use the cane anymore.
I love him. I love you.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I read somewhere, or maybe I heard somewhere that even if one can write, it does not make one a writer. Implying that one can hardly be called a writer even when one writes. Anyway, I choose to write, even though this will not make me turn out to be a good writer, it is fine, that is not my intention anyway.
Maybe I am a closet writer, you know, the kind that wished that he writes, but am too embarrassed for the rest of the world to see? But after reading about Benjamin Franklin and how prolific a writer he was, I am inspired.
10 going on 40
You know when you are getting old is when you cannot remember what you did for your only son's last birthday. I always thought that anything to do with Adam is worth remembering. But I cannot remember what we did for his last birthday. That is, until I checked my Facebook pictures which provided more than an inkling of what transpired that day. Nevertheless, lets not write about the distant past, rather lets talk about the not too distant past and what it holds for the future.
Ah, who am I to talk about the future. Based on statistics alone, I am more than halfway through before I get to kick the bucket. But Adam, well he has a long way to go. Why should he not. He is only ten. I cannot remember vividly what it was like when I was ten, but I know he has it better. His birthday cake alone is better that one I will ever going to get, and perhaps a million other people too. He can choose who he wants to be, whenever he wants that to happen. Its the decisions that he has to make along the way that worries me. I worry because, I will never be there for him all the time. I worry because, people and places surrounding changes ever so often. I worry that I cannot keep up. In fact, I cannot keep up with all of my cousins' names. But never a worrier shall I be.
40 and getting wiser
I may be getting older, but there is an upside towards getting older. One gets wiser. True, this is subjective and the young seldom sees the errors of their ways. I know I am getting wiser, as I keep saying good stuffs to Adam. Stuffs, that even he appreciates. Stuffs that I cannot possibly make up on my own if not for the fact that I am wiser more so this moment then the moment that has just passed. For instance, we has a dad to son as to what being gay is about and more importantly, how not to judge is as important as being able to tell the difference between what is wrong and right. That and what to when somebody uses a bicycle lock to lock your gates so that you cannot get into your house.
That really steam me up. I will write about that in another post.
If you come to think about it, everybody is getting wiser. Its a matter of whether you are getting enough of "wise". Maybe it will be too little too late. Maybe it will be sufficient but I have come to accept it. I have come to accept the fact being wise and being wiser are two different things. I settled for just being wise, that is already hard enough. When midnight comes, it is the start of a new day and if becoming wiser has a correlations to being forgetfulness, I want to remember that I was there during your birthday, I took the pictures and I witnessed the joyous face of yours when you opened up your presents in the presence of those that matters. I love you, and I hope I don't forget that. I will try to be wiser for you but in the meantime, try not to wise up too fast.
Love you, abah.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Books for the term
Its about an hour and a half since I last wrote and I am happy to inform you that I have cleared chapter 1. That should be at least a third of study unit 1.
Friday, July 20, 2012
I am full of fear. Fear of the worse that can happen. He is so young, one of the younger batch of my cousins, younger than my youngest sister.
But you have to be brave, I keep telling myself that. God willing, we will pull through the the many tests that he had set out for us. Insyallah
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I know I was suppose to cry out in happiness. But I was silenced. Silenced as in I am syukur that I am going to have another child. I hope, I really hope that that child is going to be syukur to have us as his parents.
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Monday, July 16, 2012
One Direction - One Thing
This is the song that Adam sang to during his P4 camp. That boy can move. I became a fan when I the slicks he had.
He claimed he did not enjoy the camp but he could not stop talking about it. Wait till he becomes one of the instructors. That boy has potential.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I wished him the best and that nothing bad will befell him during the camp.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
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Friday, July 06, 2012
Scary movie
My sister was just discharged from hospital today. Her right side still giving her problems. But apart from the fact that we can poke a pin on her right cheek and she can't feel a thing, she is fine. They have just left my houses. They dinnered here and I introduced her to celery. I hope that that will do her some good.
My in laws are here. Looks like my nephew will be sleeping over. A happy day..
Oh, dad was here. Happy day indeed.
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It is a mild stroke. She seems fine.
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Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Nifsu syaaban
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Friday, June 29, 2012
Food and fun fair
Jason mraz is playing on the loudspeakers now. The noise would put Hong Kong lady's market to shame.. I love the atmosphere. Fantastic...
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Thursday, June 28, 2012
At ikea now. Finally manage to leave the house. Even if there is still pain in my foot. Have just parked the car. Su and Adam went inside looking for picture frames. For sota, a forum Su is organizing.
Subscribed to HBO today. Was about to leave home when su switched to the channel and it was showing Thor. Seems like a good idea to ditch ikea and do Thor. But then, I would not be leaving the house.
I am beginning to like ikea. They piped good music to the car park and the quality is not bad. Drank an alkaline drink just now and I think it must have been good for me. I feel better.
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We, as in Su and I have been watching episodes of criminal minds almost every night. We started all the way from season 1 and now we are at season 2 disk 5. Disk 6 should be here today and after I ripped it, I will enjoy watching it together with Su.
Puji went to the market by herself today. She went to the wet market at punggol plaza. I half expect her to screw up but I sincerely hope she does not. Anyway, I did not go because of the pain I am feeling right now in my left leg.
Waiting for dad to come over with more medicines. They are cheaper in honor.
Sad news.
Reported in the news that some key personnel of city harvest church was arrested for misusing the church funds. I am not a Christian but this is ridiculous. Honestly, I don't know what churches uses the contribution from their congregation for but surely not to unwittingly finance the singing career of the pastor's wife.
Just my thoughts.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Soccer match
Ever since I turned to Apple for my computer needs, I knew that windows is crap! one of my friends would believe it and some who do use Apple would not even bother to look at the difference! I mean seriously, why do I have to pay more just so that I could have my laptop back up itself to a router which is connected wirelessly? Its not that it can't be done, its just that I could only have it done if I upgrade my WIN home premium to a WIN professional. That will be another $85 bucks! Hey, Apple allows me to that and so much more and we all know how reliable windows is don't we? But I digress, as I am writing this post on a Samsung notebook running on windows. Sigh. Why? Because I have to keep this notebook online as it back up itself into my external hard disk.
WIN Phone
My nokia lumia 900, running on windows 7.5 on the other hand is a gem. That is until you read that microsoft is releasing windows 8 about 2 months after nokia released the lumia 900 with a tag line "the real windows phone". The thing is, you cannot upgrade the win 7 phone to the new OS. What the...?
I wish sometimes that Apple is like windows. I mean they have just released a new mac book pro with retina display. I can afford it but my logical side keep asking me as to why would I need another notebook since the first mac book pro that I bought some 5 years ago is serving me very well? No doubt that I had to change the battery twice but it still works! Hooray for Apple.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Its quite rare to have dad stays beyond 3pm. I never tell him, but I really appreciate his presence. I wish that there are more father son activity i can do with him..
At least playing computer games with his grandson seems to make both him and Adam happy.
I might drop by his place tonight. That is if Su is feeling better.
Su has caught the flu bug. She has been on medical leave for the last two days.. Caught the bug during our trip to the gynae.. I hope idris is fine.
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Monday, June 04, 2012
Adam is spending his time at SOTA today. He wants to study there. I hope he does.
Watched Hall Pass just now. A funny movie.
Suppose to accompany MIL to JB immigration to have her passport MACs approved. I don't know what time that that will be and how long. I hope if it does happens, it won't cause us to oversleep tomorrow.
Signing out now.
Thursday, May 03, 2012
While waiting for the doctor
I pretended to be Spiderman. I wanted to find out what and how he sees behind the mask. I need my spectacles on though.
Nex 7 with Konica Hexanon 40mm 1.8
I was at KK with Su. At the moment the picture the picture was taken, we were waiting just outside the operating theatre. Of course I was fooling around and both Su and I know why I did this. I was waiting in trepidation. I was afraid. This was our second time.
We or Su were about to be implanted with one of our frozen embryo. Originally it was supposed to be two, but just before the insertion, they said that only one was good to go. That was why. We had 5 embryos placed to be brocyalist, I think. This is when the forzen embryos are given time to mature outside the mother's womb for a few more days, in our case 4.
The procedure took about 10 minutes and as usual, we were making a fool of ourselves. Our coping mechanism one could say.
We knew the risk. This was our second time. We hope that it will turn out better. I prayed to Allah. If at all it does succeed I pray that he will provide guidance his creation. If it does not, may he or she and the others be placed in the highest and purest form in heaven. Amin.
We have 7 more embryos more in cryogenic stage.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Punggol Marina
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Went to Masai last weekend. Stayed over from Friday midnight to Sunday morning. We went to Desaru from there via Pasir Gudang, managed to catch a soccer game at Pasir Gudang Stadium, ate a lot and had lots of fun drives in Dad's new Toyota Hilux. I managed to cause a slight indentation on my sister's car as I was reversing the Hilux. What a bummer. Had the best durians there and also lost of food.
Monday, April 02, 2012
Adam made a toy.
Via Flickr:
He joined a toy making class held in school.
This is the toy that he made with his grandmother. It is supposed to be a flapping bird but I think it is unfinished. Good job though.
Pasir Ris Park

Went to Pasir Ris Park yesterday. Went there with Su, Adam, Irsyad and Wan. It was a good walk for me except that my leg started to give way on the walk back. Irsyad was taught how plants and animals adapt to a different environment. Don't know whether he will remember what was taught. Adam was more interested though. Love the way, he took pictures using his iPhone. Also loved the way he recounts what he saw during the field trip.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Me and Spong Bob
Via Flickr:
Did not go shooting today. Have to read.
Carl Zeiss 45/2 G mount and Nex 5
I really have to read. Its this new module which focusses on Shakespeare on film. How adaptations are made and why. Focusing on technique and style. Includes lighting, costumes, camera angles/staging, sound, editing and so forth.
Will commence soon.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Men at Work
Via Flickr:
At Changi Boardwalk.
Taken using KM 7D and SMC Takumar 28/3.5
It was 11.30 am. I was just getting ready to study when my newly bought SMC Tak called out to me. I could not resist but I did not know where to go.
I took out my KM, fixed the Tak on it and drove to Changi. I wanted to take some pictures of the Aloha Chalets but there were occupants in it. Out of the blue, I parked the car and decided to walk.
I went onto the board walk and reached the Kelong Walk. It was here that I saw a group of men resting in the shady hut. As I approached thinking that it must have been one of the worst mistakes in going there, one by one the men went into the water.
I walked quicker and begin to snapped away. Some even posed for me. As far as I can infer, there were Malaysians, Singaporeans, Indonesians and a Bangladeshi, all trying to put up Kelong poles.
I saw a sign that says NEA was erecting those poles and that the whole area was supposed to be closed off. Well, nobody reads signs anyways.
I snapped about a 100 more shots, but I could only see a few keepers. More pictures in my Flickr account.
Anyway, the moments I witnessed showed how much fun a person can have in their work. There was laughter and togetherness while the men was working. At least, I now have an inkling as to how those kelongs were built.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Adam studying.
Via Flickr:
KM 7D with SMC Takumar 55/1.8
This boy continues to amaze me. He is growing up so well. I took this while he is completing some assignments that I set for him. His maths test is coming soon and he way too over confident in doing his.
Wished he would slow down. Heck, I wished everything would slow down.
I am doing them.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Beautiful, no matter what or where.
Via Flickr:
Was looking at post cards when I noticed this Japanese lady strayed from her group and went to a shop selling modern Islamic clothes. She lingered for quite a while and that when I snapped a couple of pictures. I did not stay to find out if she did buy any.
I am really enjoying taking pictures again. I just went to East Coast today and took some pictures. Spent about an hour and came back home sweaty. Met a Malay fisherman reparing his net while still in his boat. Turned out that he knew my late uncle and my father as they stayed in Siglap together. Started fishing on his own in 1974 and still do. Referred to himself as Ultraman as he used to be wearing masks to keep out the sun and that is how he is known to the rest of the fishermen. Wow, I feel like I am recording a slice of people's life. Amazing, that is how I am feeling now.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Via Flickr:
Prior to going for this morning shoot, I search the web as to how to do street photography. I cam across this site and it said to go over the fear of asking people's permission to take their pictures.
This couple was the first that I asked and because of them, i overcome my fear of talking to strangers! They were having breakfast, and I went to them, signalled with my hands that I wanted to take their pictures and they said yes. Not only do they said yes, they posed for me! Ha ha ha! This made me so happy! The pictures still turned out crappy by hey! It was a happy crappy picture!
Super TAK 35mm f3.5 @5.6
Monday, March 05, 2012
Via Flickr:
Took this to see how the lens work. And it works great. Super Tak 35/3.5
I have been waiting for this lens for a long time. And when it came I was so surprised. Its so small! Its aperture ring is so thin that I could hardly grasps it with my forefinger and thumb.
I can't wait to try out the lens. I went to Changi Carpark number 7 and just before I hit the 40th frame, the camera black out. The batteries dead. I must remind myself to bring spares.
I love the size of this lens! I so am loving it that I just ordered the 28mm 3.5. That one is a bit expensive as it comes with the original hood.
Pic wise, I really can't say. I must say that when its focussed, it fantatstic. I still have yet to get the hand of manual focus,
The picture is heavily cropped. But this is the last time I am going to crop using photoshop. Iphoto is much easier. Anyways, as you can see, its very sharp. The reviews which I read says that this is much sharper than the 35/2. There was no sharpening done on the picture by the way.
Looking forward to tomorrow's morning photoshoot.
Friday, March 02, 2012
Inner Sleeve of Adele 21 Album.
Via Flickr:
Sounds fantastic.
Su bought this yesterday. It cost almost $40. About the same price one can get in Ebay. I was motivated to listen to it that I moved my Marantz amp from my bedroom to the living room. Very sweet sounding. Mostly vocal biased and thats whats so cool about it. I mean you do want to hear Adele and not Rihanna right?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Via Flickr:
Somebody forgot to bring the decorations down!
Went to Little India this morning. Went there for breakfast and also to help a friend to check the prices for a Leica camera. So happens that there none for sale there. So I proceeded for breakfast.
Not the best prata that I ate though but I did managed to take several pictures. While sitting down and having my breakfast!
O.k its past noon now and my plan was to shower and vist a friend in the hospital I beter get a move on because Adam will be back soon.
Hopefully I can cheer him up by bringing shopping for groceries later.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Almost done!
Via Flickr:
My life, my world.
We went to Punggol Riverside park yesterday. Adam tried out his newly repaired bicycle and Su tried out her newly bought bicycle. I guess they did enjoy themselves. I on the other hand spent the time looking for photo opportunities. Took some and well, you could say that it was a refreshing evening.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Via Flickr:
I took this while at Upper Pierce.
This is another one that I took yesterday. Felt a sudden rush of excitement as the boat raced to the bank which was not more than 20 meters away from me.
Once there, i realised why there was such a haste. There is this idiotic man fishing in the reservoir. Stupid man! I mean, its a reservoir! Its where our drinking water comes from!
My left shoulder is hurting. I don't think I will be out today. It hurts evertime I move, My wife and son bought me a heat pack from the "pasar malam" the other day. I think I will try it to see if it works.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
White flowers
Via Flickr:
I look up and there they were.
Went to Upper Pierce Reservoir today. Took some shots. Took over a hundred, could not make myself like more than 5. This is one of them.
Reached home at 10.30pm yesterday. Brought wifey out for supper at Mas Ayu. I like the food. I don't know if she did. I had mee goreng and she had Mee Hong Kong. I know its not encouraged to have late night meals but I have not had dinner and I think its better than eating chocolates in bed.
I hope that what she had would give her the sustenance for what she has in store today.
Had an interesting lesson yesterday. About incest! No no, incest is one of the themes in the play that I am reading. Tis a pity she is a whore...A disturbing play.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
My latest
Via Flickr:
Taken by Sony A-mount 30mm macro.
I just got this lens. It come together with a vivitar 105m but I have not the time to check out that lens, yet.
I like this one over my celtic 35mm 2.8 (I traded that in) because of the material that it is made off. Its heavier and the front element is so much impressive looking.
My dad came over the other day. He said he wanted to bring Adam to see Sarah. So he took Adam straight from school and brought both of them for dinner. As a result, Adam came back home around 6 and we did not go to Woodlands for his weekly religious classes. But since its assessment time, Wan gave the ok.
What else happened today? Er, oh. I need to settle Dad's insurance claimed over a minor kiss and run incident he had with a lorry last January. That means, I have to make some phone calls.
Hope I can get this done before Adam comes home today, and this should be in about 20 minutes.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Droplets on vines.
Via Flickr:
Looking up.
I need to blog more. Or maybe, I need to take more pictures. I want to blog at least once a day.
I find that this is easier ever since I linked my flickr account to my blog. I just need to click on a button and presto!
So, today is Monday. What have I done since I woke up? Considering that I woke up at 1.15 am, I think I done quite a bit of driving. Oh, the driving have not stopped yet, my friend.
At 1.30 am I was in town picking my sis-in-law from work. Her bike broke down. Reached home at 2.30am. Felt asleep and then work up again at 5.00am. Drove my wife to Woodlands to pick my sis-in-law, then drove both of them to town. Reached home about 8.15am. Thought I would be exhausted but I could shut my eyes.
Showered, and now am getting ready to go to JB to top up petrol. Puji made me a cup of coffee, so that, hopefully should last me until lunch. Adam should be back home by then. He is having his assessments today. Goooo Adam!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Small mushroom
Via Flickr:
Took this by putting the camera on the ground.
Went to Sembawang Park this morning. Went there with Su's blessing Only managed to spent 1 and a half hours shooting. Out of the 179 pics manage to pick only 5 or 7...
Its ok! Thats what photography is about.
Now waiting for my mother-in-law, wifey, Adam and the rest to come back from swimming.
Am very happy with how the day is turning out.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Via Flickr:
I got lucky.
I went for walk again! I did it. I went to Punggol Waterfront right at the end of Punggol road and I spent almost an hour taking pictures.
I am so happy. At least I know I had some exercise. I am sure I will be fit in no time. (Must have target)...
Will be going to JB today. To top up petrol.
Hope the traffic will be good...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Via Flickr:
I don't know the name of the tree. But I do know that I have not seen this fruit before. I have seen the tree, but not the fruit.
I did it! I went for a walk! I walked a good twenty minutes to get to my destination. I put on my sneakers, tied the shoelaces tight and drove to the nearest parking lot and I walked. The cost of it is a few more minutes of sleep. But it was time well spent! And I am all hyped up!
I have always wanted to come here. It along Punggol Road. I saw the gate and when the morning sun shine on it, I would sigh and think to myself that I would not be able to get there! But I did. And I am o.k! No pain in my legs. I wanna look good and feel good again.
Su said, I might be having a mid life crisis. So? I want to feel good. I want to be good. I think I am good right now.
Its half past twelve noon. I am hungry. But I shall wait for Adam to come back.
Hopefully, I could spend some time with Adam in getting him a new bicycle.
I need to read too. Time fly so fast. Just last month, Adam said that he does not want to bring food from home anymore. He said that its too childish. Oh my Tuhan! I missed those days when I can bring food from home. Food from home is always nicer.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Via Flickr:
This is Danial
I took this while we were are Rembau. I like this picture as I think this is how it Danial is best represented. Stylish, cool and gentle. He is one of a kind. The way he treats his younger cousins such as Adam and Irsyad made me glad that Danial is one of us. I wish him the best.
Via Flickr:
Thats not too big!
This, this is my sweet mother-in-law. Thats her being happy that she could start a fire. Thats her in the kampung. She has been trying hard to start a fire. As some of us know, the fire is needed as a means of clearing the rubbish. I could have sworn that she has an arsonist streak in her.
Rembau, thats where our kampung is. It has been some time since we were there. Its a nice break, to go there and to do the chores specifically suited for life in the kampung. To wake up hearing the cocks crow, to shoo the cows that come into the garden to graze, to go to the market and haggle with the sellers and of course, to have the chendol!
Ooh, the chendol. On a hot day, that bowl of chendol can be a life saver.
If you ever, ever set food in Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, be sure to try the food. Its pungent, spicy and sweet at the same time. Hmm, holidays will be here soon.
Su is going for a forum in the holidays. I think we can squeeze a day or two to drop by Rembau.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Palm leaves
Via Flickr:
I did not accidentally underexpose this.
Took this to see if I can have a pop out effect using the Min AF 24mm at 2.8. This is the only one that was underexposed. And this is the only one that draws my attention to it. Its like, its mysterious and that it is calling me to look closer...
Anyway, this was taken in Sengkang Park. Near the car park. Went there the the N3s and than Haniffa's family. Did not get to do much with them as we were late. Had to rushed home because its almost dinner time I was pissed...
Pissed because I could not do what I wanted and pissed because it was a waste of time running around looking for bicycles. Did not get any when we are supposed to get 2. Sigh....
Been feeling tired and I bet I could fall asleep right here, right now. But I guess, I have to note down something that happened in my life, somewhere.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Curry Puffs
Via Flickr:
at f1.8
Finally, finally my Konica Hexanon adapter arrives.
This is a test shot of the lens. Very nice isn't it. Anyway, those were last curry puffs that were fried before we ran out of LPG. Ha ha! I am not having problems with submitting my work. Its my mistake, I know but it sure is nerve wrecking waiting for the other party to give the go ahead. Its 1745hrs already. I think they'll stop work at 1800. So I am waiting, waiting, still...