I don't like where this is going. I scored a 48 for my first TMA in language acquisition. Found out just this morning. Read Chapter 6, now reading Chapter 7. Not bad.
Hooray! Arsenal qualify for the group stage in the UEFA championship.
Forever Slimming...a father of two..a brother to two, a husband to one...
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
I really am trying to read.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I have not fasted for several days. Apart from having to eat my medication for my gout, I am having indigestion. Not only that, green mucus is coming out of my mouth and nose. I can't fast. I need to continually input liquids into my body to was down the phlegm. It just won't go down on my own. The indigestion is being taken care of by the prunes I am eating.
I tried to chew them for at least twenty times, but I can't! It will be too sour and I, reflexively will swallow it. The problem is that some of the pieces are still too big. I will then choke and cough and there they will be, the pieces of prunes and the phelgm...the P brothers.
Made half a bottle of honey lemon drink. Drinking it hot. Used two small slices of lemon and clover honey. About 2 tablespoon left of the honey was left as I rummage through the fridge. Feeling better now, athough I think its mostly psychological as I had only taken two sips (its still hot).
Its almost 1 pm and I have yet to get started on my socio assignment. Going to tutor soon in about 1 and a half hours. Need to get something done! Oh I did! I went to the market...
I went to the market and bought 9 chickens. I had 6 of them cut into twelth each while the other, I plan to roast them whole in the oven. I bought them from the stall in Geylang, and the seller was or is very jambuuuu! She was so jambu that I felt embarassed buying from her. Its her eyes. They are so clear, and her smile... Oh well, we all need more chicken. Pic taken using KM7d and the kit lens at 5.6.
Annual fees
Why do banks still charge annual fees for their credit cards even when they will waive those charges? Its getting very inconvenient to call them and wait for till the cows come home only to have a 10 sec conversation who will agree to the waiver? I mean is there a point? Maybe its too check if I am still alive and I am telecommunica-able? Sheesh!
Pic taken with the KM 18mm-70mm kit lens. Cropped out the more intimate details. LAUGHING OUT LOud.
I had leftovers briyani today. It was delicious. Puji reheat it in a wok and that must have enhanced the flavours. She cooked a fresh pot of chicken curry, which was delicious and together with prawns fried in batter, I had a wonderful time eating what I think was one of the best leftovers ever. Adam, well, lets just say that he got curried away. Here are some photos. Taken with the Sony 30mm macro.
Wifey reached home late today. I know I should have pick her up but then we'll be late too. So, by the time she arrived, the prawns were halfway gone.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Iftared at SOTA yesterday with wifey, her colleagues and our friends and some of the students there. Had Briyani and Qathirah for drinks. Enjoyed myself there. The food was fantastic and that made Adam really happy. Yesterday was also the day that somebody other than me call Adam, Faiq. It was Arinah, Khairul's daughter. I like the sound.
Insyallah, will be iftaring at a friend's place this Saturday. Insyallah or god willing, it will be great.
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