The plan was, 5 of the cars would go the Gelang Patah R and R and wait for the other two car
s. The brainchild of my father, who is phobic of traffic jams.
So 5 cars were at the R and R area at 8.00 while the other 2, mine and my aunt met them at 9.00. There was no jam...
The plan was to hit straight to Malacca and visit my grand aunt. After that we would drive back southwards to Kahang, where we would visit another of my grand aunt. That was the plan.
What happened was, 7 cars went to Malacca. After saying our good byes, 6 cars drove Southwards back to Pagoh R and R while another headed towards K.L.
Oh by the way, if you drove towards K.L, and you do stop over at Machap, the Cafe sells good toast.
There were 7 cars, all except one were driven by experience drivers. That 1 car was driven by my cousin who happened to have just passed his licensed for about a month and has just gotten his car.
Anyway, what usually happened is, all cars would stop immediately after the toll gates and regroup. But somehow that did not happen that day.
After visiting Malacca, and passing through the toll gates, only 3 or four cars stopped. The fifth car, drove without stopping and we gamely followed, without realising that my cousin has not cleared the gates. I would think that he went towards K.L instead of JB. We only realised that he was not with us about ten minutes into the drive.
We then started to panicked and like all cheap thriller movies, it started to rain. The police too came. It was very drama. And then, we realised that my aunt's car windshield wiper came loose. As such, she can't operate the wiper. So we try and we try to solve this new problem while the current problem is giving us more problems.
My father, then give instructions to head towards Pagoh where we will wait for my cousing to arrive.
This all happened at Ayer Keroh exit. If you head towards K.L, the next exit where you could make a u-turn would be at Alor Gajah.
Once we reached Pagoh, news came that my cousin has passed Alor Gajah and now is about 30 minutes to K.L. When asked why he did not turn out from the highway, the answer was, they did not see any exit. From here, we could sense that panicked has started to set in in that car. We waited for about an hour at Pagoh, and we received word that he made the U-Turn at Ser

Oh boy. More drama coming up.